in #hive-1502103 months ago
Momma taught me to be contented with what I have. Growing up to face life, I realize that my problems only begin when I am contented with what I have. When I relax on my little achievements and embrace my comfort that is. Mom prolly lied. I bet it was for a reason. Or maybe she didn't understand. Or maybe she didn't lied after all. Well, who knows?

Positive greed and good discipline with a touch of selfishness, and kindness is just what you need to amase the riches you long for Even if it means throwing all your relationships in the gutter.

Not yet rich. Not even half way there. But, it's time to make use of the little Knowledge we've got.

Shitty hell. Life can be accursed ya'know. Selfishness looming around. Growing to be the beast mom warned me not to be. Tsk. Such a drag. But it is what it is.
Happiness may be the only solution but then, where would you run to? The relationships you threw in the gutter in search of wealth? Think of it. Life wants us to be monsters. Animals in human skin. People who can do anything to survive. Just name it. If you don't play by the rules, then the rules will make you a tenis ball. Play you across a huge table (earth) until you get worked out and break into pieces.

Come to think of it that we are the architect of our failure or success. we all a brush. A paint brush, in our hands. We only get one chance to paint the life we want. The life we paint during the times when we are energized is the one we get to live in for the rest of our entire life. It can be miserable or it can be our little euphoria.

I have come to the end of my self to realize that everything is as a result of the decisions we make. The little decisions affects us either positively or negatively.

However, we should make good decisions. Decisions better than the ones we made previously. The ones we will be proud of when our body gets frail and fragile from old age or when we are about to breath our last.

Well......... I'm glad. I'm glad I can live and that you stuck around till now. The pictures below are for my clean planet activity.

Thank you

Special mentions
