Ding dong merrily on high, Christ the king is born.
Christmas is a holiday celebrated every year by Christians worldwide. Ut is usually celebrated every 25th December to .ark the birth of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the saviour of all Christians. The birth of Jesus is instrumental to his death and resurrection, which are the key factors in Christiandom.
Christmas is one of the most widely celebrated holiday worldover, if nit the most.
There is a great tradition that Christmas is known for, that's the tradition giving. Actually, a day is singled out for that, which is on the 26th of December. 26th is known as Boxing Day. It is for arms giving. This symbolises generosity and sharing.
Many people utilise this holiday to travel home and spend quality time with their families.
Christmas is a very special time that reflects love, joy, gratitude, and sharing.
Personally, I donh enjoyed Christmas a lot lately because of the type of job I do. I am a tailor, and my line of business experience lots of boom around this period, and as a result, I stah back so as to deliver the jobs from my customers. This keeps me busy till January, when I can travel briefly to celebrate the new year with my family.
My best memories of Christmas are based on those I had while i was growing up. Since i joined the fashion industry in the year 2017, I have always been busy on Christmas day.
Regardless of the forgoing, I still consider the Christmas holiday the best of all.
That we are celebrating Christmas didn't deter me from persorming my duties to @cleanplanet. Below are some pictures from my activities for those days under review.
Special thanks to @cleanplanet, @solarisfuture, @cleanyourcity, @resonator.