Life of a Model/swineherd ;the misconception about pigs.

in #hive-1502803 years ago

70% of People feel Pigs are filthy.Specifically those from the under developed and developing countries such as Nigeria.
In Nigeria, mostly the rural areas. the only time you get to see pigs are in dirty swamps or in moving vehicles and of course you tend to perceive that offensive smell they emit as they are not properly cared for.
Certainly they think pigs are dumb and dirty animals and perhaps only a source of "meat".
Due to this misconception, just a little patronize the Pork industry as Muslims and some orthodox Christian sectors forbid pork consumption. Some other religions like Judaism, Buddhists and Hindus also forbid it. Correct me if I'm wrong.😬


  • pigs are ranked 4th most intelligent animals in the world, they are classified as one of the smartest "barnyard" animals and are trainable.
  • Pigs have an excellent sense of direction. They can often trot long distances and can reach up to 11 miles per hour running.
  • pigs do not only have good sense of direction, they have an exceptional memory for objects as they tend to vividly recall a spot to which they have found something.

Now let's look at benefits of Pigs in various aspects of Human life*


  • Pigs Heart and Kidney have played significant role in Xenotransplantation.
    In 2021 a group of surgeons successfully transplanted a pig's heart into a Man. See link below for more information.👇

  • Pigs bone and skin are used to produce gelatin capsule used for treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and brittle bones (osteoporosis)

  • Pig pancreases are used to produce insulin, used for treatment of diabetes.
    Also, Pork contains taurine and creatinine which are good for muscles. Pork contains beta-alanine an amino acid that produces carnosine, which helps our muscles function properly. Sufficient levels of this carnosine is said to help reduce fatigue and improve body function.


Pork is a high fat meat rich in protein.

  • Pig rennet is used for cheese making( the Pecorino di Farindola cheese of Italy).

  • Pork also contains sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals such as Niacin(Vit B3), Thiamine(Vit B1), Zinc, Selenium, Phosphorus, Vitamin B12&B6 and Iron which are neccessary for healthy nutrition and helps body metabolism.


-Pig Dung are used as manure (bio fertilizers) to grow healthier food and crops.


  • Pig skin known as suede are used for making leather clothing and shoes. Its hair is also used to produce artist brushes.


  • Swine(pig) waste is used to produce bio gas used for cooking and to generate electricity. Counties like Germany, indian, china and Ghana are already in the system.

Moreso, Pig by-products are used to manufacture numerous materials for humans such as plastic, rubber bags, water filters, floor waxes, chalk, crayon, anti-freeze, violin strings, drum heads, industrial lubricants and of course the beauty world isn't left out as the lard gotten from pig abdomens is used in the manufacturing of shaving creams, soaps and make-up.

Now did you know?👇

The famous rugby balls were made of inflated bladders before modernization replaced them with plastic ones.
YEA RIGHT! I bet you didn't know😉 Well that's where football's nickname "pigskin originated from.
Basically everything but the oink of a pig is important to life!

As a Nigerian model/swineherd and writer, I choose to educate and stand against such beliefs that pigs are filthy and dumb. Rather pigs are beautiful, clean, smart, intelligent, resourceful and sociable animals.

photo credit : Me (Amasophia, Shot January 30th,2022

P.s:this post is not to attack/go against any religious beliefs but to correct the misconception most persons have about pigs.*

Mind going on a photo tour with me?🙃 great! Let's get right into it!😋

Me stepping out on my swine shoot day🙂

playing with my adorable pig

water refill


Feeling fulfilled after the day's work @ the swine farm🤗



This post was put together from 7Years personal swine farming experience and external research resource.
Resource materials used


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Wow. This is awesome. You very brave. I love it b

Thank you.@mattsanthonyit🙂

Pigs are lovely creatures and should be well nurtured.
Glad seeing how well you care for them dear, so proud of you🤗💗

You are right on that I believe with time people will learn to love and nurture them as they do there dogs.Thank you dear.

Farming was actually my answer to this question:

What is else apart from Medicine?

I am happy seeing people successful in agripeneur adventure...

Perhaps would introduce some for online gamer

So many things. Some of them I listed in the post.
It might interest you to know Pigs are way smarter than dog and very sociable.
Of Recent times people have began keeping them as pets. Reason be they are very compassionate.

As a core dog fan, I'm sorry but pig can't be smarter than dog in jesus name😂

Wow beautiful. Pigs really do have a lot of benefits. Thanks for enlightening us Sophy.

You look so gorgeous by the way.

You are welcome,and thank you.☺🥰💕

There is a saying in my language that even if you dress up a pig with a gold on its neck, it'll still take d gold into d dirt and that's what we grew up believing. I guess there are some things we need to unlearn especially in this our generation. Thanks Sophie for this insightful post.

So many beliefs born out of ignorance. I'm glad you found the post insightful.❤

Very nice post on pigs. We raised pigs for many years before my husband died. They are very personal animals if treated right. Our pigs were very clean, except when they did their mud baths. I liked seeing yours so clean. :))

Oh! Truly sorry for your loss💔. Hope you are doing alright?
Yes,pigs are amazing personal animals once given the time and affection they need. Glad to meet a fellow Swineherd and thanks for stopping by my post.🤗

Nice write-up and really insightful... I love your entrepreneur deposition...
Question: what's the average cost of investing on pigry ?

Well it depends on the Scale/Capacity at which you plan on started with.

This a whole lot of new information I'm getting about pigs

Growing up as a Nigerian, the only thing that comes to mind when pig is mentioned is dirt and the only good thing from it is pork meat😋.
All thanks to you for this insight.

I look forward to see the growth of your pigs 😎

Ikr,glad you found it insightful. I will share more about my farm with you guys in my coming post, so stick around.🤗 and Hey, thanks for stopping by my post.