Hello friends, it is with great pleasure that today I return to share my garden here at home.
It's been a while since I've posted about my small vegetable garden here at home because it's been raining for a few days and it's difficult to go to the garden on those days and do any work, whether it's cultivation or preparation for cultivation.
Hello friends, it is with great pleasure that today I return to share my garden here at home.
It's been a while since I've posted about my small vegetable garden here at home because it's been raining for a few days and it's difficult to go to the garden on those days and do any work, whether it's cultivation or preparation for cultivation.
But now there have been a few sunny days that have allowed the soil to dry out a bit and allowed it to be dug to receive the small plants that I decided to put in.
Among these plants are lettuces, which as you know I love and are part of my diet and that of my family, and also some broccoli cabbages, which I love to harvest later to cook and are delicious.
Now, you always have to be careful that the soil doesn't get too dry and water it if necessary, but we are still in a rainy season and if it stays like this, these plants can still handle three or four days without watering if the soil is still damp.
Then I decided to take advantage of this rainy weather to fertilize some trees I have in the garden, which I hope will provide a lot of nutrients for the growth of the trees and their fruits.
I will now leave here a little of my day in my garden in photographs.
But now there have been a few sunny days that have allowed the soil to dry out a bit and allowed it to be dug to receive the small plants that I decided to put in.
Among these plants are lettuces, which as you know I love and are part of my diet and that of my family, and also some broccoli cabbages, which I love to harvest later to cook and are delicious.
Now, you always have to be careful that the soil doesn't get too dry and water it if necessary, but we are still in a rainy season and if it stays like this, these plants can still handle three or four days without watering if the soil is still damp.
Then I decided to take advantage of this rainy weather to fertilize some trees I have in the garden, which I hope will provide a lot of nutrients for the growth of the trees and their fruits.
I will now leave here a little of my day in my garden in photographs.
Olá amigos é com muito gosto que hoje regresso a minha partilha da minha horta aqui de casa.
Já a algum tempo que não tenho feito publicações da minha pequena horta aqui de casa porque tem estado uns dias chuvosos e é difícil ir até a horta nesses dias e executar algum trabalho, seja de cultivo ou de preparação para o cultivo.
Mas houve agora alguns dias de sol que permitiram que a terra enxugasse um pouco e permitiu que fosse cavada para receber as pequenas plantas que decidi coloca.
Entre estas plantas está as alfaces que como sabem adoro e fazem parte da minha alimentação e da minha família, e também de umas couves de brócolos, que adoro colher depois para cozer e são deliciosos.
Agora é ter sempre cuidado para que a terra não fique muito seca e se necessário regar, mas ainda estamos num tempo de alguma chuva e se mantiver assim, estas plantas ainda aguentam bem três ou quatro dias sem regar caso a terra esteja ainda húmida.
Depois decidi aproveitar este tempo também chuvoso para adubar algumas árvores que tenho no jardim, o que espero que forneça muitos nutrientes, para o crescimento das árvores e dos seus frutos.
Deixo agora aqui um pouco do meu dia na minha horta em fotografias.