Users get paid 1HBD to log you in with an owner key that controls your owner key, giving you 24-72 hr temporary active and posting keys
Your login partner verification witness logs you in after verifying your Identity by accepting a telegram/discord/twitter message that includes a 10 second video of your face with a voice print of you saying a random phrase and doing things a deep fake just cant fake yet.
This telegram/discord/tweet is compared to a primary NFT of a GIF made from a short video of your face, and an IPFS audio file of your voice, which your account must post first (Like edenos on eos wants) You can use a HYPERNERF nft animated GIF
a second verification witness must also verify this is you and not just the verification partner veryfing themselves into your account, thus unlocking the ability to use that account, via some multisig russian doll permissions system
When you sign out you can sign OFF and cancel the session with a transaction - cancelling the keys
Next time you want to sign in from a strange device or overseas etc, you pay another 1HBD to your two verification witness login partners
Top verifiers with lowest cost for verification on a market /witness style election rise to the top with the most votes from stakehodlers, identifying the most trustworthy candidates.
u know on eos telso wax proton they have a new type of key under owner and active for webauth and one for SAFEMODE wheer u can make a custom key that does 1 action for like 24 hrs so u can amke a key thats just for unstaking or undelegation or making 1 single action liek 1 single transfer etc
We need on hive a way to link permissions so 1 owner key can change another so u can have a recovery partner recover not just stolen keys, but LOST keys, AND inactive reset after 2 years to recovery partner so if ur account is inactive for 2 years uyr recovery partner can reset owner key
And we need a system for temporary active and poosting permissions every 24 hrs authorized by a witness or voted in trusted and paid verification witness that lets u send a telegram twitter or discord message of vocie print message, and a hypernerf gif video of their face , and it could do location and some background noise data and oother stuff but just face, and voice, hard to deep fake really, and u can make it even harder, and u send that to ur login partner, THEY GET PAID liek 1 hive or 1HBD to verify you, you get temporary posting/active permissionf rom ANY DEVICE with 0 keys, for 24 hours or whatever, so u can login to hive from ANYWHERE with NO KEYS, keyless entry
what do u think of keyless entry idea? its something that has been talked about by dan larimer kinda but i just realized, it can really be done on hive
Its how the edenos thing supossed to work
You PAY peopel to temporarily verify you, ur recovery partner, and they give u tempoirary active/posting permission key, that is only good for 24 hours orrr 48 or 72 whatever u set,
it would be reallllllly usefuland let peopel sign in without ever having to use keys, just pay the 1HBD fee or whatever the lowest fee offered is, by a network of many recovery verification login witnesses, now you basicaly get ubi to sign in your friends, it can work in a chain where u can trust your best friends to log you in etc, and it would need liek two keys liek a nuclear missile so one rfriend cant rip u off, youd need two peopel to be randomly in cahoots which is gonna be hard to do, ur verifuyer login witnes grants u an temporary key to login, for 24-72 hours after theyre validation of u is also checked by anotehr person, to make sure they dont vberify themselves as youa nd take your money etc, so you have multiple peopel all making money veruifying your identty if u want keyless entry, so its liek UBI to sign in your friends who dont have their keys or whatever if theyre traveling or on un trusted device etc and an option to turn off teh session as u leave with a key signing with the temporary keys etc
Isnt this cool? Imagine a whole twitter discord or telegram group full of these posted by hive users so verification witnesses can match you up with these anytime you request/pay for temporary active/posting key, creating a new market and income for hive users voted in as verification witnesses.