in #hive-15032910 months ago

what do we called determination: determination is the inner superpower that keeps telling us 'I can do it and I will do it' even though when everything seems hard you keep pushing without give up.
Let look at it from this angle when talking about determination for a example a baby trying to walk by standing up walk a little and sitting back no matter what might happen or what might hit the baby in the process of walking, the baby still find his/her way to walk by keeps trying and eventually he/she can work that an example of determination. I love baby's so much because the are very determined if the what to get something no matter what blocks the way on getting there they still find their way to get that thing, they don't look at the negative side of what might happen they just go for it.
Determination to me is that fuel that keeps burning , that inner strength that keeps moving you forward even when you have not see the result but keep moving forward.
Take a look at a mountain climber trying to climb a mountain to the peak but keeps falling down, without determination he can't reach the peak he will not look at how many times he has fall but keeps looking at the top where he's going that's DETERMINATION.
Its determination that leads to success in any business or our whole life without determination there is no success.
We can be determine by setting a goal by making sure we achieve what we set for ourselves no matter the situation. When the goals have been accomplish and go for another one and on... Then we we determine to succeed or achieve that particular goals then we say we have determination
Without determination success is impossible. All great achievers today are well determine to achieve their dreams no matter what they face .
Let take a look at Thomas Edison when invented in electric bulbs, mind you he has practice the bulb for 999 times but not working what keeps him alive is the determination that he can do it and lastly he did it. Determination makes you more stronger and at the end of it comes success.
Therefore Determination is the bridge between all accomplishments
Determination is the key to success and without a key no entering.
When you are determine you will also discover some hidden superpower in you and that makes you special.