Since I'm working out, I have been trying to cook several healthy meals to mantain my weight but nothing compares on what you can do with Peanut butter recipes.
I read online there are a wide range of benefits if you eat peanut butter onece a day if you are doing exercise, it gives you a lot of energy and protein you need to start the day better than ever.
It is cheap and you don't waste time cooking too elaborate meals that cost you all your morning washing the dishes.
When we think about food, we always have to be aware how healthy it is for us, there aren't too many things that are cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time. Of course, excesive consuming of anything could bring problems to our health, but with peanut butter everything changes.
I still can't find other 'candy'(?) better than that, all of them have something that make them bad for your health during the long run, and those ones who fit perfectly are very expensive.
I'm feeling good, with energy, I'm not hungry during the morning and I can wait peacefully for lunch in the afternoon. People should try it if they are whiling to lose weight, because despite the fact that it has fat and a lot of sugar, it makes you eat less and at the same time gives you a lot of nutrients for your diet and health.
Peanut Butter ROCKS, and you can't do anything about it, just eat it.