Signs of World War III.
Unfortunately there is going to be a war between Russia and Europe, and later between China and Taiwan, which would imply the intervention of the rest of the world; although I totally reject it on a logical level, because it makes no sense whatsoever for us to go to war with Russia, no country and its population will want to be taken to war, neither Europe nor Russia, all for a population reduction plan where each country has that contributing their “quota”, a war with them would mean the third world war.
Al cerdo que se hace llaman "@sunsetjesus" que le incomoda temas anti globalista, (me imagino que es pagado) te puedes ir mamar 1000 millones de huevos, pero solo eso, yo conozco muchos como tú, son golosos y quieren más. Maldito, no dejare que publicar temas que te incomoda por la estupidez que haces.