Life in the Blogosphere: Where Do We Find Our Inspiration?

in #hive-1503294 months ago

So now that I have formally committed to undertaking this 19-month long "savings project" — which is materially going to be supported by an increase in my blogging activity — I find myself thinking about where we get our inspiration from.

I suppose the reality of the undertaking is setting in. Ideally, I would be able to create a new post on an almost daily basis, but I don't just want to throw meaningless schlock out there! I still believe in the value of quality content.

I have often heard it said that prolific writers are also voracious readers.

I know that it definitely holds true of myself. I tend to read pretty much anything that has writing on it and stands still long enough for me to make sense of it!

As a blogger, one of the things that often applies is that I have a mind that is perpetually on the lookout for things and ideas that might be explored further, in writing.

I might be reading a magazine, or watching the closed captioning on the TV screen that's playing while I'm waiting in line on the bank... and all of a sudden something comes up and I think to myself "well, maybe I could write about that."

Sometimes I find myself just looking through old magazines even though I've read them a number of times already... just to see if there's something that jumps out at me from the page and might inspire me to start exploring an idea.

Magazines are often great sources because they tend to be filled with half-column snippets that are well worthy of being expanded upon.

Whereas some people are definitely true wizards with words, creative writing is not always all that easy! The challenge isn't so much in getting started and keeping it up for a week or two, as it is to keep things going when you already have been pursuing a challenge for months.

I do have a lot of admiration for those who seem able to keep the ideas flowing indefinitely!

One of the challenges I often face — perhaps because I don't write as often as I'd like to — is that I worry about whether or not I am actually repeating something I have previously said.

You might read those words and think to yourself "how on earth can you NOT remember what you written?"

In truth, it's actually quite easy to forget. Or maybe it's just my brain that's wired this way. Once you've written enough articles and posts and maybe comments on other people's posts it all starts to flow into one thing... and it becomes a little more ambiguous whether or not you're regurgitating something.

Besides, there are only so many original ideas out there!

One thing is for sure: I am going to have to become a lot more vigilant about keeping my eyes out for new things to include in the blog!

Thanks for coming to visit, and do leave a comment if you feel so inclined!


Posted with proof of brain


Writing is a moody affair to me! Like the weather which is very unpredictable! Professional writers could write everyday consistently like robots! I wish I could be like that sometimes.
No idea how to be steady and consistent so long as the weather keeps changing everyday! 🙀😂

I have not exactly had a history of being consistent, but I am going to give it a good try! I need that new computer next year, so it would be nice to know that some of it was already paid for, out of savings.

Good luck with your new computer.

You're right about how tough it is to build consistency with quality posts. It try, but it's fair to say that posts can vary in quality. As long as they're not rubbish, I'm okay with that. The hardest part for me is finding time - I run a very full-time business, so having time when my brain isn't mush can be a challenge !

But whatever you find best to organise yourself... use it !

For me, it's Excel. I keep a list of all the posts I've written (just the heading & link), and then have columns by community where I list ideas for future posts. Periodically I go through and prune out the ones that have sat there unwritten for too long, because they are usually the ones I either can't think of enough to say about, or there is some other reason why I haven't written them.

I understand about being busy! We run several small businesses from home, so there's almost always something that needs to be done.

In a sense, Hive-like social media works because I can often fit bits and pieces in between other things I have to get done.

I Excel extensively... my personal "trap" is that I sometimes use too much time on organization and not enough on executing the projects I got so organized for! This savings program initiative will be interesting!


I'm with you on Excel. Tinkering with spreadsheets is oddly therapeutic, but it's so easy to allow it to become a time-vampire !

But if you're running businesses from home, that instantly gives you something you could write about 😀 Not so much from a marketing perspective, but observations about how current events impact your business and "educational" content about what you do often seems to go down well.