My Hive Goals — Saturday Savers Club Week 21 — May 2024 Update!

in #hive-1503293 months ago

So, I decided to join the "Saturday Savers Club" as inspiration and support in reaching my savings goals.

As I have previously mentioned, the underlying goal here is to save up to buy a new computer at the end of 2024.

Since I joined #saturdaysavers slightly after the middle of May, this first update is actually for a partial month.

I've decided that making an update post once a month is plenty, although I know some people post weekly.

I created a spreadsheet to track my progress which — of course — is very modest, so far.

As the old saying goes: "Even the longest journey begins with a single step!"

That's pretty much how I am feeling here.

My primary goal centers on HBD in savings, with my secondary goal being Hive-Engine EDS tokens. That said, I am listing all things I have going on, simply because it's good practice to stay updated with your savings and investment goals.

I'll update the table weekly and share to the Saturday Savers Club, but keep the full-length posts monthly.

Memorial Day Weekend

Otherwise, we're having a quiet and somewhat sad Memorial Day Weekend (also known as "Remembrance Day" in some parts of the world) around here because our dog Daisy made her final trip to the vet yesterday.

She was 17 and in fragile health, and had reached a point where she could barely walk and was getting increasingly incontinent. She had reached a "ripe old age" for a medium-to-large sized dog.

So from this day forward, Memorial Day will also be a remembrance day for Daisy.

Daisy, in her younger days

Supplementing my Savings Plan

The savings goals I have set for the period between now and the end of 2025 are pretty aggressive, so chances are I will have to supplement any blogging efforts with something else.

Maybe we can sell some of all the junk stored in our closets and attic on eBay, and add the proceeds to savings. Doing so would actually serve two separate purposes: Building savings AND cleaning up the house a bit.

And that would not be such a bad thing, given how much excess stuff we actually have!

Well, I'm going to leave this savings update here and get on with the weekend!

Thanks for coming to visit, and do leave a comment if you feel so inclined! This is "social" media, after all, so it helps everyone when we make the effort to BE social with our fellow content creators!


Posted with proof of brain


Impressive! You have the stamina and discipline to stick to this saving plan. Good for you and your new computer!

Good luck with your saving plan. Hope the value of Hive and HBD will go much huger by that time.