Saturation Point

in #hive-15032929 days ago

What is the point at which we decide that we have simply had enough of something?

In this case, I am not talking about tacos, or waiting for a delayed bus to arrive... I am talking about those situations in which we have beengrinding our way through something that (likely!) requires a lot of work... and the chances of actually reaching our original objectives seem to just grow smaller and smaller.

The point of giving up...

There's a lot to be said for having a hih degree of loyalty; something I have always somewhat proud of. I tend to stick it out with something, even when things look fairly bleak and most people have quit and left.

Maybe it's just the result of taking the idea of being "all in" quite seriously. I do, for sure!

But there comes a point — surely — at which we start scratching our heads and wondering whether we're just wasting huge amounts of of time and mental/emotional bandwidth on something that should just be allowed to die.

It's a situation entrepreneurs often face. And "often" is not an overstatement... mostly because we primarily hear about the success stories, but not so much about the many many situations where an idea just slowly wilts and dies.

Over the years, I have "stuck it out" with many things I might have been better off letting go of. I might not have come away in a great situation, but I have — at least — been able to authentically say that I "gave it my best shot."

And that has applied, regardless of whether or not it was my own project, or I was merely a participant in some else's project. These days, I am mostly involved in the projects of others, as a (typically minor) financial supporter.

I guess we don't hear much about the many quiet failures that happen in business because they don't make for particularly interesting news stories! People prefer disaster and drama!

Which brings us back around to this question of where and when we finally reach our saturation point?

Of course, that's a question with a very individualized answer.

Naturally, I reach mine if there suddenly is a clear message that it is "exit time," like the project or investment organizers making some announcement that "things are unlikely to change." At which point I determine whether or not my time should go elsewhere.

Of course, it's not as easy if you have funds at risk! Historically, I have not been all that great at — figuratively speaking — "cutting bait" and heading in a different direction. It can be difficult to actually admit to yourself that you ended up backing a loser!

Lately, I have been turning my eye on our own HIVE and sighing rather deeply, as I watch Bitcoin testing new highs while Hive struggles to even hold 30 cents.

I mean, it's not like we are asleep around here! There's lots of development happening, and yet it sometimes feels like we have a great show that's playing to an empty house. Can't help but wonder about that...

I'm not at the "Saturation Point," yet... although I have reached that point with a number of Hive-Engine based projects.

So when does your saturation point arrive?

Thanks for coming to visit, and do leave a comment if you feel so inclined! This is "social" media, after all, so it helps everyone when we make the effort to BE social with our fellow content creators!


Posted with proof of brain
