"On Basil's interest in citrus"
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On Basil's interest in citrus
...Of the popular cultivars, I am quite immoderately (perhaps even immodestly) interested in citrus. This has been the case since my youth. Not simply the mundane varieties either — such as C. Persmithii, C. Yondrae, C. Tiiliroem, C. Gaddae, etc. etc... I am also enamored by the exotic extravekkestrial varieties from the quaint backwater planet earth. Among my favorites to work with magimechanically are C. Aurantiifolia, C. Tangerina, and C. Limon — known colloquially as Lime, Tangerine, and Lemon respectfully.
Why work with the sour citrus when constructing biomechanical servitors, you may ask? Certainly many laypeople might intuit that the sweeter tropical fruits might be a better starting point to create a mild-mannered device. However, in this respect, doing fruitwork is counterintuitive. I have found the sweet B. Claava, H. Tamitae, B. Crassispina and others to produce machines of very inferior personality. They are much too slothful, selfish, and pompous for their very oversugariness. Moreover, their lack of significant flavonoid content makes them insipid, boorish, and sluggardly.
In contradistinction to that, my lime clocks and servitors purr with bright, cutting youth. They faithfully mark the passing of each millizedd or microstep of master respectively. My lemon modules explode with the life-giving rays of Ziithruus, exuding a delicious transmutation of the local atmosphere, such that a vast variety of miasmas are instantly dispelled. Lastly, my tangerine robots and orange angels practically spill over with the great joy of the sacral infinity. All of the above may be adapted to serve as magical fruit fabricators, dispensing light-tart delicacies and mouth-puckering citrus beverages.
I am hesitant to divulge more than this, as I have ambitious commercial plans for these amazing machines. In all my extensive research, I have never heard of such highly functional results combining metal, magic, and citrus — the overwhelming majority of the scientific breakthroughs are my own, painstakingly realized through laborious trial-and-error. How my heart swells with pride and fulfillment as I realize my great success uniting my love of citrus with my passion for magimechanical engineering!
EXCERPT TRANSMITTED BY SCRIBE Tum Ti’illigree for Yjonra Cluster Reference Library. NOTE — Of his many writings upon citrus machines, I have included the most condensed and pertinent information as to your request. These were sourced primarily from his own personal journal and as such can certainly be considered primary sources. All the best in the writing of your biography of this giant of Vekkian science!
by Daniel Pendergraft
— created for HIVE —
published on Dec. 24, 2021.
Writing is fully original
and can be considered a first draft/blueprint
towards eventual completion of a piece
shared and preserved immutably on blockchain.
Images are generated with Wombo Dream,
scaled up, and further processed using Deep Dream Generator,
then finished using Final Cut Pro for editing/combination.