My daily yellows
First I want to say thank you for holding the contest. It's my first time here. I came across the announcement and the theme caught me directly.
Despite from blue skies and green trees for me yellow is my favourite colour in summer. And here you see why ...
It's all yellow 😀
If you follow my blog you might know I love to play beachvolleyball in summer.
We have a new beachvolleyball club in town, its name is "Palm in the Blackforest". They have a yellow logo with a palm and some trees in the background. This is the place where I took the pictures.
There are more yellows at this place. First of all its the Mikasa beachvolleyball . The ball which is mostly played in Germany.
An here comes even more yellow. Right now we have four courts and building up to six more courts over the next two years depending on the finances. The next two courts are in the making right now. Therefore we have an big excavator on the area to move soil and sort out stones. And now guess, what its colour? Right, it's yellow.
Finally here is the Link to the original post by @friendlymoose if you like yellow as much as I do feel free to participate. You've got only three days left.
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