A few days ago, I explained how our bodies file tasks away in our "inbox".
Though our body is designed to perform efficiently, we live in a toxic-filled world that makes it nearly impossible to keep up with the onslaught of "to-do lists" piling up in our inbox. Eventually, our body becomes weighed down as the influx of toxins exceed the removal.
Cut a cross-section of a tree trunk, and you'll find evidence of droughts, pestilence, fires and more over the years. You'll see the evidence of their story in the actual rings.
Pluck a hair from your head, and a drug test will reveal what substances you were abusing along the "timeline" of the shaft.
What about fat cells? I'd LOVE to know what you think!
I've spoken about this in the past, and every single time I do a detox - I wonder if I'll experience the same release of emotions once I get to a certain spot in the process. It should come as no surprise, but every time it does!
Imagine this -
You have a storage facility. Every month, you add a box of memories to the room. You'll place bits and pieces of your month - a picture of your new boyfriend, a cologne-scented note from him, a letter from your boss praising you for your work, a new recipe that you made for a party hosted in your new house... etc.
Some months will hold good memories, some bad - but each boxy will be stored, stacked, and pushed to the back. Year after year, you fill these boxes and store.
The most recent boxes will be stored in the front - most easily accessible. The ones deeper inside the room will hold the memories from distant past.
NOW, imagine it's time to go looking for that one box with the special recipe.
It will take some time, but as you open boxes from years past - you're immediately hit not only with the memories - but the feelings that flood your being! You see a picture of you holding a hard-won trophy and smile as you remember the pride of that win! You find an airline ticket stub, reminding you of your trip to care for your sick father - and tears sting behind your eyelids. You caress a lock of hair from your baby boy, and giggle as you recall what a precocious little son he was.
Are fat cells the same?
As I said in the beginning of this post, many detoxes will warn of this and advise you to be prepared as you delve deeper into burning those fat stores. In the same way as our storage facility would hold the most recent boxes near the front of the room - the fastest cells to burn would also be newer ones.
But as we cut deeper into the "rings of the tree" burning layer after layer of fat cells that have been stored at earlier times in our lives - the chemical substances that were also stored at the same time could be released into our blood stream, and trigger feelings and emotions that had been tucked away and forgotten.
Interesting theory, but is it true?
Who knows? hahaha
Based on what I've experienced during a detox, I would say it is absolutely true. The deeper I go, the more things from my past re-emerge. It's like my body recognizes a particular chemical pattern trapped inside the fat cell and associated with a time period. When that cell is broken down, burned, and the chemicals released - it almost pulls my mindset back to that timeframe. I don't remember certain memories. It's more like I remember the feelings that would accompany a certain period. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. I think I probably notice the bad more, simply because they appear without warning and completely unrelated to the situations I'm actually experiencing in life.
So now, I gotta know what you think?
Is my detox burning fat cells that have memory-laden chemicals trapped inside them? And if so - are they releasing into my body and triggering the same emotions that were there at the time the fat cells were stored???
Wild thought, right?? Possible?
Tree Rings by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash
Storage by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash
Food feelings by Junior REIS on Unsplash