Newbie tip: take A break before YOU break!

in #hive-150329 ā€¢ 3 years ago

- šŸ˜ I love this place!

- šŸ¤” I'm spending a LOT more time here.

- šŸ˜± Oh my gosh, I'm completely addicted!

- šŸ™‡ā€ā™€ Eating? no. Sleeping? not really. Hiving? YEAAAAAHHHH!!!

- šŸ’€...I fried my brain, and I'm done.

Those are the five stages of Hive addiction. hahaha

And I wonder where you find yourself?

The point of this post is to prevent most newbies (and even oldbies who haven't managed their energy as efficiently as possible) from reaching that final stage: the "wipeout" stage.

I loved this example stated in a book The Waveriders that specifically was talking about the tendency of people suffering from bipolar to push themselves to the point where they exceed their limitations, and then cause the crash (the wipeout). In order to maintain a healthier, more sustainable balance, Irwin (the author) offered this image of "riding the wave".

Though this example was specifically tailored to people suffering from bipolar, I really see this as a general application that can be utilized by every one of us who tend to push in varying degrees past our safety borders!

One of the BEST things that I've ever learned and applied in my life : write breaks into the schedule.

If you are anything like me, or even a LITTLE like me, you can become so focused on the goal, that you fail to realize how important it is to take BREAKS from the pursuit of that goal.

It seems counter-intuitive to many people. "Why would I pause when I can go a little harder, a little longer, a little more focused?"

The simple answer is - because most journeys are about the daily steady steps instead of a hard & fast push. There are times for sprinting - but those are short little bursts that deplete a lot of energy and REQUIRE rest, relaxation and restoration. The body requires fuel, and maintenance. If you don't write in breaks - and HONOR those breaks, you will only be breaking down YOUR capacity to achieve more in the long run.

One of the things that I love about DreemPort is that we take every weekend OFF. I know that a lot of companies would laugh at that. "The weekend??? But that is when you can get the MOST time out of people! They have no work, they have fewer obligations. Soak up that time and tie them even MORE to you!"

Hm. Sure. that's one way to look at it.

But all of us at DreemPort believe that people should always outrank money. When you treat your users as batteries to charge the machine, they will not only feel that - but you will too. When you honor them as people, and give time BACK to them, value them as individuals and give them the tools to rest - they'll have more energy and JOY to give back with full hearts and minds.

That's OUR commitment - but people fail to understand one simple piece of the puzzle:

YOU actually have the ability to do this WITHOUT anyone else's permission.

Your mind is your own, and how YOU choose to spend your time is completely up to you. Having the ability to balance your time and energy will allow you to ride that wave for as long as possible. As you feel yourself getting dangerously to the top of that crest of the wave, pull back and ride gently for a bit.

When you have enjoyed the ride down that wave and feel like you have more energy to scale it again, use your momentum to push a bit harder and soar to the top again.

  • Balance your Hive addiction.
  • Write in breaks.
  • Take care of your body and mind.

When you do, your body and mind will thank you in ways that will surprise you. You'll likely have more clarity, more joy, more creativity, more support for others, more motivation, and more peace.

I have been away on my own little break - tending to my body and mind for the past few days. I've not written a post for several days. Some people missed me, some haven't. LOL But here is the thing, taking a short break from Hive (or any other social media) will not make you obsolete. It MIGHT reveal some opportunities for you to manage your expectations.

That's all good! When you come back, take the time to re-evaluate the best use of your time in the most concentrated arenas where you are thriving! Breaks are a necessity! Start adopting them and evaluate how much more effective you become - and avoid that wipeout!

Hope that helps!šŸ˜˜

Mastering the Wave
Bulletin board
Take Breaks

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I read this the other day but didn't even have the energy to comment at the time. I felt done. Completely drained. The joy I always talk about that drives me; gone. So, this post resonated with me more than most might appreciate. When I am driven back deep inside myself to seek refuge and rebirth, for whatever reason, my heart and head go to poetry. I read it...consume it. I write it. I tend to go quiet whilst I figure things out; how to move forward. I withdraw. I lack the energy to engage; even picking up the phone to speak to my family is a struggle I don't. I just ride it out. And when I do engage under these circumstances, I oftentimes feel like I am a fly on the wall watching myself engage. In these times, I find poetry a cathartic response to my own sense of being in limbo. I had just come off a high of writing my didactic tale about the little leprechaun, Chasing Rainbows, a story I loved writing and which doubled up to cover two challenges from last week, but mostly for my Jack and me. I had also come off an intensive week of engagement for an on-chain challenge, and then suddenly I felt like one does when that wave in the sea lifts you up unexpectedly and dumps you down so hard into its bubbling, swirling torrent of water that you find yourself swept off your feet, tumbling, twisting, trying to regain solid ground, finding it momentarily, but feeling the grains slipping beneath your soles...and then you surrender ...and choose to ride it out, knowing that it has an end because there is no other way. Learning to manage the ride is so important. Unfortunately, many will learn the hard way. The dump was a result of a mix of things occurring simultaneously to impact my sense of joy and peace, both on and off-chain. With energy sapped, the melancholy set in and I have been surfing some of my favourite go-to music on youtube this week. Ironically I also always seem to find joy in Discord (the platformšŸ˜œ). I guess because it's the connection: real people having real conversations. A few people this week have met me in the right place this week in this space šŸ˜‰ and those little conversations were each really helpful in helping to shift the mood a bit, although they may not have even realised I was in this headspace at the time. I wasn't really aware of it, but looking back now, I sought out the right people on that day and I gained insights that made me smile. A relatively new Hiver also reached out to me on Hive re the poem that I wrote this week called The Wave. He gave me such simple good advice and an ear, and it really brought some joy back yesterday. I took a lovely walk along the Thames river with my Jack and we took delight in cheering on the Eton boys doing their rowing drills up and down the river. I have resolved to go back to basics. I do what I do for joy. No stress or time constraints. When my energies are being sapped and the joy dissipates, the reason for being in a place disappears with it. So I am going to focus on the things that bring me joy, and 'write in' the breaks, and thereby avoid the subliminal stress points that can arise when you overcommit your energy. I !LUV your message. This approach feels like the right one for me. It will enable me to spend my time doing what I love and bring me back to joy on the blockchain. I am going to be more mindful about how and where I expend my energy. I think these are the important messages in your post. And I will learn to ride that wave magnificently over time, my friend, both on and off the chain, because I am here to stayšŸ’—

Excellent information, it has helped me to see things better.

It always start this way. I remember my early days in Uptrennd. Hmmm... It was a mad run for a long time before I suddenly got to the stage which can only been seen after crossing the wipeout stage.

To even think that the money was not there despite all the aggressive engagement and co. I take that as part of the learning curve and I'm still fortunate to be here trying to put stuff up and also enjoying it.

I'm wondering if I would have taken it seriously if someone told me about breaking down when I was still in my early stages as a blogger. Thankfully, I got into Hive when I have already experienced a couple of stuff about the importance of taking a break. I can now manage myself better and it's always about people over money.

Good sleep is so underrated especially when we are so focused on what the future holds for us.

hehehe yes - I've done the same thing. I think its just human nature, you know? We get so excited that we want to spend all of our time and before we know it - we're burning out.

and yes - the sleep. it is SO underrated!!! We don't take that seriously enough. Now after many years, I'm learning how to embrace it more fully!!!

I am a victim of this but I have learnt to calm down and take breaks

I will also take some time off from work, in one of my relative's marriages, the place falls in a very rural area. šŸ˜€ I need a break he he he.


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I have been taking a break, but not necessarily on purpose. I have been so busy with kids and working and home duties, that I haven't been able to post much. Speaking of which, I could use some help when you read this, and maybe @samsmith1971 can help also? I am between computers, and can't seem to get back on discord with dreemport. Do I need another invitation link?

I did manage to sign into dreemport.

Anyway, pertaining to the post, I do try to find balance in all things or else you do experience burnout. Not only do I try to listen to my body, but also my mind. They both need breaks!

I have sent you the link in DM ;-) A break when needed is always a good thing...I am getting back slowly.

I think taking a break and as you say scheduling a break is great advice for most people, I have even advised my teams over the years to do so,
Now Twinsie you are probably thinking as my family and members of my teams have, why don't I do it myself, I may be getting a little better at it, and I stress little as I really don't know how to take a break, as my wife said to me once I have two speeds 200MPH or asleep, its just the way I am wired i guess LOL

I hope you taking a break has helped you, I did wonder about it but didnt want to bother you

Yeah!!! It did help a lot.
But me for one I always find myself always thinking of what to blog about and most times I can't, even when I have free time on my hands and this makes me feel like am not up for the task šŸ˜”.
I have learned a few things from what you have said and I'm happy I came across this blog.
I always love it when I see post like this from those at the top, it really does encourages me.
Thank you @dreemsteem .

Whatever you write about, remain authentic. Have you tried writing to prompts before? You could join freewriters and do their zapfic50 challenge or 5 minute freewrite challenge. Gets creativity flowing.

@zakludick this sounds very familiar šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Yeah yeah... I know, I know...

This is so brilliant @dreemsteem! How many of us went through that burnout point, and there is always that need to balance it out as you said.

Especially when the market is quieter, like right now, and the payouts might seem a little less attractive (when it's actually the opposite, as we can get more hive for cheaper), so people can also lose their patience faster, get through the burnout phase faster.

What you said about bipolar disorder is very true, that's why it's important to stay active during mania or depression phases, making sure the transitions are easier. Same goes for sport daily of course, the more you get your body and mind used to the "stress" and "pushes", the more you can understand how to harness the best results by using the momentum when you are active, but also use those "down" moments as an opportunity to recharge.
Bipolar "disorder" (I don't like using the word disorder, I noticed you didn't haha) is linked to circadian rhythm and the pineal gland, everyone is sensitive to seasons, lights, and get affected by theses changes, even people without bipolar traits.

Sleeping is so essential, to maintain that equilibrium. Your post also reminds me
how creativity and life goes hand in hand, feeds off each other.
You need those moments in life, that will nourish creativity. It's a little bit like in music, that need for silences, creating a motif.

iThink we put too much thought in it when really anything else is more worth thinking about.

iThink sounds like an app šŸ˜


I'll do iThink, you do iGuess and we'll corner the market 2Gether.

Exactly... I think we've all felt it - and the sad thing is - it usually pushes us to just throw everything away all at once! LOL so extreme hahahaha

but I cannot agree with you MORE!!! sleep. sleep is SO vital.

I have struggled all my life to sleep - and when I only got a bit of sleep, then I'd have tons of energy. So I learned to NOT sleep much

and over the years, I think this hasn't done much benefit for me. Thankfully now i can actually sleep well! No more fighting with my brain to shut down hahaha

I don't always sleep LONG - but I can sleep much more fully. and that has made SUCH a difference for me!!! across the board!!

nice to see you - I've been gone for a bit heheheh resting :)

nice to see you - I've been gone for a bit heheheh resting :)

I hope that you're doing good, sending y'all, all my love!

Taking breaks is essential to sanity. That's probably why I am insane. Ha ha ha. But seriously.

My goals involve daily writing and engagement, but I tend to take natural breaks. Like when I injure my knee and can only access Hive via my phone because my laptop is over there (points sadly).

Now that my knee is recovering, I need a new excuse.

But, seriously, I worked myself too hard for years. Then I burnt out terribly. Now, I jealously guard my time and energy and feel NO GUILT about taking breaks.

I feel guilty about taking breaks. The sentence before that was a total lie.

One thing that helps (when I can do it) is writing in advance. Instead of writing seven days per week, I try to write two articles per day for four days per week and publish seven days. That is my theory. I have actually accomplished this zero times so far.

I wrote seven days in a row, though. Once.

I am starting to seriously think this comment has no point to it.



Your comment is the honest truth hehe; saying it how it is šŸ˜‚šŸ’— we can all keep aspiring to do better by ourselves but it isn't always easy when we have a tug of war going on inside our brains šŸ™ !PIZZA !ALIVE

Lol. Thank you.


Why did the banker quit his job?
He lost interest.

Credit: lofone
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Just what i need to take that break! Thank you dreemy...

And yes, I've missed you! Probably why I'm seeing this after 2days.