#CelebrationDay Challenge Announcement

in #hive-1503292 years ago

There is one day left of the year, so it's time to start planning for the New Year and it's time to announce the new challenge I was talking about in my last post, here.

So today I'm going to detail my plan about #CelebrationDay challenge.


Photo by Elisha Terada on Unsplash

Main Idea

The main idea behind this challenge is to give newbies a helping hand in finding a topic to write about and also to help them develop their writing skills by posting more regularly.


There are a few celebrations for each day in the calendar. You don't have to write about every single one. Pick the one you like, or two if you have more than one preference and feel free to skip the day if you don't like any of them. This should be fun and not a burden.

Please do not write an essay about what's happened on that day throughout the year!!! I'm not interested in history lessons and lectures. What I want you to write about is your experience, your thoughts, what you did on that day etc.

Another important thing that I like to mention is where to post. Please find the appropriate community for your topic and don't just drop your post in a random community. Here's a post that I put together a couple of month ago, with a Community List And Why It Is Important To Post In The Right Community. The list is not complete, so you can use the search function of PeakD and look for communities, besides what you find on the list.


I'm not a fan of forcing people to write a number of words as quality is more important, but please make an effort and create something meaningful, not just two sentences. Try not to spam the blockchain with low quality posts. The goal here is to get better at posting, not to have as many posts as possible.


The challenge will last till it lasts. The year has 364 days, if there are people interested in this challenge, then it will be for 364 days. This doesn't mean you have to write every day. Pick the days you like or whenever you have time.


There's no prize to win here. You win will be gaining experience, developing new skills and having fun by reading and commenting on other users' posts. However, I'm going to curate some of the posts with my main account.


  • General Hive rules apply
  • Write about your own experience, what you did, what the day means to you
  • Make an effort and write quality posts
  • Don't recycle old content, create something new each time
  • Plagiarism, spinning is not accepted. If I detect plagiarism, I'll make sure rewards will be removed and you'll face the consequences
  • To be able to find your post, please use #celebrationday as tag
  • You don't have to write on the same day as the event happens, you can write afterwards, just make sure the slippage is a few days and not months

2023 Celebrations

To save you from searching endlessly for a calendar, I'm using this one and also posting a screenshot of the days in January.

2023 Celebrations

Please click the link above and go through the list, check what each event means and make a plan if you're interested.








This is the list for January. It's too early to see where this challenge is going to go, but if things go well, I'm going to publish a list with the celebration days in February and each months that are coming.

How To Bookmark This Page

I'm mostly using PeakD for several reasons, so here's how to bookmark a post.

Bookmark 1.jpg

Open the post and at the top, you'll see the bookmark icon. Click on it to add to your bookmark collection.

How To Find Bookmarks

This is the route to bookmarks on PeakD

Bookmark 2.jpg

Go to your PeakD profile, click on PeakD Settings.


The sidebar on the left has the bookmarks. Save this post to have it when it's necessary.

With this occasion I'd like to highlight, that engagement on Hive is key. Reading posts and commenting on them can bring you followers and votes as well. No one can force you to do that, but it is in your best interest, trust me. So please click the tag and read the other participant's post to see what they are up to. Also feel free to share any post you like on social media platforms as well.

Feel free to invite friends as well as the more we are, the merrier, but please don't go crazy with tagging as that can be considered spamming.

I think this is it.

I'm looking forward to start the challenge and read you amazing posts, your funny stories and I'm curious to see how you celebrate certain days in your country.

Most likely this is my last post of the year (will be replying to comments though, obviously), so let me say than you for being here and wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Let's meet in the NEW YEAR again!

Photo by Carson Arias on Unsplash


This is a lovely way to help those just joining the system as you rightly said. I have reblogged it and hope many get to see it too.

Good luck to you dear and happy new year in advance

Thank you @hivedeb and Happy New Year to you too.

You're welcome. Thank you

Ahhh erihah, the fun is starting I see. These are lovely prompts and even though I won’t be writing through out, I’ll be reading a lot of the entries. This is an awesome idea! Let’s f*cking goooo!!!

Yeah, it's time to get this challenge started.