I have decided to adopt MR photo. I shall henceforth make him write 1 post a day since he is bored to tears in covid related isolation.
I am sorry for my part in his downtime and his "misfortune" and I am working on making things right ....
I will be starting here by acceping full blame for the robbery that took place on his accounts.
I humbly ask for forgiveness from Mr photo and his fans.
best regards
former and maybe future Mrs Photo
Here is photographic evidence that we are good now
Ms. Photo!
This apologetic post from my greatest "beztie" / "woman" touched me and will be "brought to the blocklchain" as a new piece for my "story" unfolding as i share my "mis-fortunes" (self and involuntarily inflected As well as coming "triumophs and victories!
As written above, the "air" has been cleared out, as we have for the last 3 or 4 days been forced into an isolation due to COVID-19 as i got "cought here, literally, "with my pants down" Leading to a new lowpoint in this photographers life. As a result i have pulled "the old switch a roo" Forgiving and hoping for forgiveness and understandeing from all other parties (who have been informed".
Evryone makes mistaikes, and this situation could probably have been resolved more "delicately".
I aint rambling any more in this post all i want to declare is that "i´m back baby"...