Is it not too early for me to even sound so.controveeail this year, maybe not at all and if it is then fine ,I just have to do that Right now.
I remember trying to picture alot of things for the community and trying to maybe get the @proofofbrainio out of his anynoumait y stage and get him say something about the community.
I really want to understand that at times it is not always easy to get him talking often and often,but I sincerely expect actions that will.prompt each member of the community to actually felt his presence at times.
What is the future for the proofofbrain community in 2022.
Honestly I want to believe this is one question many don't even know what to say of answers to give to this,most especially when the founder on it own is not even talking.
Woke up to see this price of pob this morning to hive and I was shocked, telling myself do will still need to see the proofofbrain community as a future will need to believe in.
I think it is high time @proofofbrainio comes out and address every issue in the community ,it is not too late to get a restructure of the POB token as I want to believe that many out there too are looking out of r a change in the price of pob.
Do Many still think pob will be an independent token.
Can I say my mind on this,I don't really give up on things easily and irrespective of what POB token is saying in the market right now,I still very much believe that it will comes up once More.
Why do @proofofbrainio stays away without doing some talking just like other founder in other communities,I still don't know, cause I sincerely believe is interaction would have been of help to the community alot
The future is here already and pob needs more ground than eve before right now.