Conditions Will Never Be Perfect

in #hive-1503292 years ago


Conditions will never be perfect. They will never be ideal. There's always going to be a reason for not getting things done. There's always going to be a reason why you don't do the things that you need to do to improve yourself. There's always going to be a reason for not doing the things that will make you happy and successful.

If the weather is good, your schedule is going to be crazy. If your schedule is good, your energy level is going to be off. If your energy level is good, there's going to be some disconnect with some part of your life that is going to make things less ideal. There are going to be some hiccups at work; some fire you need to put out; some drama you need to deal with. It never stops.

If you're telling yourself right now that the conditions in my life aren't ideal, that it's just not the right time to finally make that big move that I've been waiting to make or to take that risk that I know I need to take, I'm going to tell you right now that you're telling yourself a fairy tale.

You're believing the myth of the average. You're lying to yourself. You have to stop waiting for things to become ideal. You have to stop waiting for conditions to be perfect. You need to stop thinking that one of these days circumstances will be favorable to your success and happiness because I promise you they won't and they never will be.

The most successful people are also the happiest people because they know conditions are never perfect. They don't deal with what they wish things were like. They deal in what is. These people don't wait for their schedules to clear. They don't wait for the weather to get nice. They don't wait until they have 100% financial security to start living. They don't wait until they are more confident and sure of themselves.

They don't wait until they have the energy or the motivation or anything else. They accept the real world as it actually is and doesn't wait for conditions to be perfect. They just act. This is why they are truly successful. So stop expecting the ideal and start dealing with the real. The reality is messy.

The reality is chaos. It's not always fair that good things happen to terrible people and terrible things happen to good people every single day. That's just the way it is. Life on planet Earth is not a utopia and it never has been. Guess what? It's never going to be either.