Going To Face Some Hard Times In Life

in #hive-1503292 years ago


No tests, no testimony. Are you going to face some hard times? What is the first thing they say to you when you board an aeroplane before it takes off?

Because you will experience some turbulence before you reach a comfortable altitude, The wealthiest place on the planet is not in the far east, It is not in South Africa, where there are diamond mines, where there is oil in the ground. The wealthiest place on the planet is the cemetery, because there you find dreams, not pursue books.

You have talents that have never been nurtured and skills that have never been developed. I survived 1 out of 40 million sperm. You were born to win. You must affirm that to yourself every day. You're about to stop the process because you can't see the prize. You're about to quit, you're about to give up, you're about to give in because you've been doing it for four months and the coach ain't telling you what you want to hear.

You've been doing it for a year and you think that the job is just supposed to promote you and give you all these responsibilities. Are you kidding me?

You do not go where the path may lead, but go where there's no path and leave a trail. You have got to get to a point where you are locked in. You are locked into the process, so every day you do it on Monday, you come back and do it Tuesday, you come back and do it Wednesday, you'll come back and do it Thursday, you'll come back and do it Friday, and if you don't see anything, if you don't see any results, you don't give up and you don't give in.

You're doing it for the goal. You're not doing it for the prize. You're not doing it for the accomplishment. You're doing it because you're in love with the process. You are persistent, and so you're just going to keep going and you're going to see results. Stop looking for affirmations. Stop looking for somebody to pat you on the back.

If you grind and you stay persistent and you lock in, one day you're going to wake up. You have no idea what day it will be. I can't tell you what day it's going to be. I can't tell you what day it's going to be.

One day you're going to wake up and you're going to be exactly where your dreams come true. It's easy to believe when you've got money in your pocket; it's easy to believe when your marriage is working out.

It's easy to believe then, but when you get that diagnosis saying you ain't going to be around when you lose your job, when someone you thought you'd be with for the rest of your life says no, we can't do this no more. That's when you have to stand. That's when you have to begin to live.