Your Life Is Adventures Or Boring

in #hive-1503292 years ago

Adventure .png

If your life ended today, this is the final chapter. If there was an accident, you were gone. God forbid, would you be satisfied with the book of your life? Would it be an interesting book if your great-grandkids came along and picked it up? Would it be the book where they go to see Great-Grandma? That's the one! That's our great grandfather! That's our great-grandmother! Or would it not be in that book yet?

If they start to read the pages where they go, "Well, it started with some problem, but it just gets a little boring and then they were," you don't want that. You want your book to inspire generations of people in your family, and you can decide you can be a new character right now. It's just a decision. It's literally a decision. I'm more confident. I'm bolder. I am not my past. It does not disqualify me. I am my present and my future, and I'm going to do something great. I forgot I was supposed to do something special.

If you die today, what dreams do you have? What ideas? What gifts? I will die with you. The wealthiest place on the planet is not in the far east, where there's oil in the ground; it's not in South Africa, where the diamond mines are; the wealthiest place on the planet is the cemetery.

There you will find potential never realized there; dreams never pursued there; you'll find people allowing themselves to be imprisoned by fear and living a small life. What if you spend your entire life only to discover that it was all a mistake, only to realize that you've never lived?

You don't know what you can take until the pressure is applied to your life. You don't know what you can endure. You don't know how much courage you have until you've been under fire and struggled. You can't learn what's in you while sitting back in a lazy boy's chair and hitting the remote control. When all hell breaks loose, that's when you get to see what you've got.

I have not been buried, I have been planted. I'm planted in it and if I'm planting it, expect me to come back up again, and when I come back up, you won't recognize me because I'm going to be transformed by the experiences that I have endured.

Where have you been?

Where have you been up to this point?

When you look at your life, when you look at what you produce, is it giving you what you want?

Are you living on purpose?

Are you living your dream?

Are you acting on your ideas?

Are you doing all you can do?

Have you gotten comfortable?

Are you putting off tasks?

Are you encroaching on your greatness?

Are you challenging yourself?

Are you trying new things?

Are you learning something different?

Is your life an adventure, or is it boring?


5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then.