New theories about time.

in #hive-1503294 months ago

New theories about time.

Time is a concept that has always driven many people crazy, scientists, science fiction novelists, movie and series creators; We do not know what it is, it is a dimension, it is a force, we know that we are tied to it and that it always moves in a single direction.

We know that time can be stretched and make it go faster or slower, we know that gravity can make it go slower or if there is less gravity it would go faster, for example, on Earth time goes a little slower that the surface of the moon, where there is less gravity, is negligible, it would be one second for every 50,000 years, but around a black hole things can change radically, we could be in a ship circling a black hole and while for us a year would pass outside the ship or on earth, centuries or millennia or hundreds of thousands of years could pass, but in any case, whether faster or slower, time will continue to move in the same direction, towards the future, We cannot or do not know how to go back, how to go to the past, although we suspect that this would mean running into a lot of paradoxes or not, depending on the theoretical model that explains what time is.

Currently the most accepted theory by the majority of the scientific community, by the way, remember that science is not a religion, this is not a supreme truth, it is simply the model that currently best fits the knowledge and observations we have. of the universe, so at any moment a better model can emerge, although of course it will have to go through a process of verification, criticism, revision, etc., that is the scientific process.

The theory that has just been proposed arises from the attempt to unify or at least explain, why there are such enormous differences between the quantum world and the macroscopic world in which we live, to think, on a human scale time passes at a rate of one hour. per hour and always goes towards the future, if we were a black hole it would go slower, but it would always move towards the future, but within our own body on a subatomic scale in the quantum world that is inside all of us, time does not flow In the same direction, quantum systems can evolve simultaneously along two opposite arrows of time, they can go forward or backward, these particles are not influenced by time.

Alessandro Coppo, an astrophysicist belonging to the Italian National Research Council, and his colleagues were trying to explain this difference between the world of the smallest and the world of the largest, why time occurs in this way or is interpreted in this way. in this very strange way, in one and in the other and in this way try to achieve a unique notion of time that could be applied both to quantum physics and to general relativity, which is what explains the macroscopic world, in the world that we live daily.

To do this, they tested an idea from the 80s and did so through several mathematical tests. This idea suggests that when we observe an object and that object changes over time, it is because it is intertwined with a clock, an external observer would see a universe. static and immutable, within that framework time is not an inherent property but a consequence of quantum entanglement and to test their theory they made a mathematical model, in their model the researchers represented the clock as a system of tiny theoretical magnets intertwined with a quantum oscillator, they chose these models for their mathematical clarity which allowed for a clear theoretical case and laid the foundation for future experiments and found that their system could be described with a version of the Schrödinger equation.

That equation predicts the behavior of quantum particles, the key difference being that instead of a time variable, the new equation uses a variable that lists the quantum states of the magnets; In summary, this theory suggests that if we on a human scale perceive the passage of time, it is because it exists due to quantum entanglement in the physical world and that entanglement emanates or permeates the world around us, the world we live in every day. That is, time or what we understand about time, would be a side effect of the quantum entanglement that exists in the subatomic world, in the quantum world.

A bee that ages from flower to flower and takes a while to do so, a planet that takes a while to go around the Sun, that time it takes is simply a side effect of what happens in the quantum world, in those quantum entanglements. ; Understanding how time emerges from this quantum entanglement and how it interacts with the rest of the systems is the big question that these scientists want to continue advancing.

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! The truth will set us free and science is the one that is closest to the truth!


I would like to know more about the theory of time.

Unfortunately, I just don't have the time to study it.


Posted using STEMGeeks

It seems like a paradox, you lack time to understand time. hahaha

That's everything in life, sometimes we don't give priority to what we like; and we end up doing something for a long time out of necessity.

Thank you, you are very well!

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