Colors of the wind
Who do I tell
The story of our love
Shall I paint the sky grey
Or I just let it be blue.
How many people, how many of them
Look and think like you
What heart will bleed love for you
What eyes shall shed for you
The joy of loving you.
Shall I paint the night white
Or strive to make every wrong, right.
When will hate be gone, that love may prevail
Things are not the same, what shall I gain.
Shall I walk with you, or rather die with you.
What hear shall listen to our love song
What man shall make our sorrows depart.
Shall I sway like the eagle, or be blind to your love like a bat.
What color shall we paint our love.
What mountain shall we climb.
Or shall we together sail on titanic.
What color shall we paint our love.
Shall we paint with the colors of the wind, or that which you shed on the CROSS.