Happy Caturday: feeding stray cats and five tiny kittens became less timid.

in #hive-1503292 days ago

The heavy rain had made me postponing my trip to the temple. So, those stray cats had to wait one more day for their weekly treat of cat food. I would give the cats at the pier a second helpings as they weren’t fed by the skinny monk. I wished the two ladies who used to feed the cats at the pier would return to look after these cats one day.

I quite like the new arrival: a male orange cat that was very talkative and friendly. I wondered where he came from, his manner told me that he used to be someone’s pet. He knew how to meow for attention and sympathy. He complained about his sad life and misfortune. He told me that he used to be very fat and well fed. I felt so sorry for him and told him that he would be safe in this temple. So, he has been living under a pile of old wooden planks for almost a month.

The other two local cats, Tam and Little Tiger, seemed to have accepted the new comer. Sometimes a black old cat would drop by for food too. He used to look very handsome and strong but he’s getting much older during last year. He seemed to be much slower and aloof. Through time, I have noticed all the different cats with their peculiar habits and behaviours. So, I would notice when a cat became ill or needed some attention. Then I would tell the skinny monk so that he could take the cat to his friendly vet.

Some cats were too timid and wouldn’t allow the skinny monk to get near them. So, these cats wouldn’t be taken to see the vet. The monk would ask me to put some powdered medicine in their food. Recently, three cats had passed away because of flu; they got drenched during heavy downpours too often. It was unfortunate that I wasn’t around during the weeks when they got sick. Otherwise I would have given them some medicine, I was very sad by the loss of two of my favourite cats in one month.

So, as soon as I noticed any signs of illness among the cats, I would mix some medicine in their wet food. In this way, the skinny monk told me I had saved a few sick cats. The cats seemed to know that they had to report to me when they felt unwell. I would give the sick cat a massage and a Rekei healing session too. They seemed to enjoy the healing vibes.

Recently there was a free offer to learn about remote veiwing from a very famous remote viewers’ group. I was quite interested in getting structured training course so that I could develop and use my psychic ability in more professional way (which could become a way of earning a living). But I decided against my application as I was afraid of unexpected effect on my natural psychic dimension. One thing, their procedures were developed by the intelligence community which proved to be very effective and successful.

To my surprise, they didn’t develop or cultivate the healing capability of the psyche or ‘mind’. I was afraid of the trade offs. I could see the future as clearly as those experienced remote viewers could and they could write down all the details and draw sketches of their viewing sessions. The group of six to seven remote viewers would be given the same target shrouded in random codes. I found the shifting of consciousness to another mental stage was astounding.

I couldn’t be told what to ‘view’, for me it’s like my sixth sense brought me pertinent knowledge of the future as a defensive mechanism for survival. Sometimes I could ‘see’ some old friends whom I eas thinking about. I often saw old acquaintances and people who used to be a part of my life after they were recently dead. These old acquaintances and friends came to say goodbye. So, I was never afraid of seeing spirits or ‘ghosts’, i knew I could communicate with them.

Sometimes my old cat, that was dead over a year, came to me in my mind in broad daylight. My favourite cat told me to change my mind and to help my friend who used to help stray cats and bring injured cats to the vet. That was the first time I learned about cats’ spirits and their special dimension of reality where they waited for their next incarnations. That experience made me respect cats even more as they had the feeling of being grateful and kind.

I knew these temple cats could sense my good intentions. That’s probably why they were very polite and respectful towards me. They were also very obedient and stopped being aggressive towards new comers whenever I told them to behave. I was quite amazed that these cats seemed to be able to read my mind. I have been trying to tame five tiny kittens that lived among plies of construction materials. So far, so good. They have learned to recognise my calls and voices. They didn’t run away from me any more. They kept a short distance away from me and the food dishes.

I hoped that they would allow me to touch them in the near future. This would make it easier for the skinny monk to feed them and take them to the vet as they got older. It would be nice if I could tell these kittens about my intentions telepathically. I thought one kitten seemed to make contact with my mind; he just looked straight into my eyes without blinking and without fear. I hoped these small kittens would be healthy and have a long lifespan.

Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.


Could you send me the talking orange?😃

I wish I could send him to you! He’s a big too big for the mail box! Besides he needs a passport and ID card! Too much hassle for an orange cat. He would wait for you to pick him up!

Have a pleasant week!

Sending Love and Ecency Curation Vote!
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Thank you very much for your kind support and encouragement.

Have a nice day!

What a lovely things you've done there... I'm not into pet, but if I were to have one...cat would definitely be my choice.
I'm fond of all cat species, from the small one to the biggest and wildest one.

Thanks so much for your appreciation of cats and kind support. You could put up with wild and naughty cats! That’s good for the cats.
I have found out that kindness could make very aggressive cats into loving pets. I have tamed all the fierce and aggressive cats in this temple. They allow me to carry them around! It’s amazing how gentle and considerate they could become.

Hope you’ll find your soulmate cat one day!

You’re still very busy! No cooking recipe on your post!!

What a great thing you do for these stray cats. Its too bad some good sick and are now departed. They are beautiful creatures and some seek attention. Its just good there are people like you to give it them.


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