Incredible level of flooding and the disappearing of the fish pond.

in #hive-15032912 days ago

Orange cats and I were naturally house bound during the flooding of Nongkhai province. I couldn’t believe that the water level would become ferocious with brownish looking flooding around the house. The whole ground floor was inundated with flood during the night. I woke up feeling very disappointed that the floodwater didn’t respect our space. There were still some gadgets and things which were left in the kitchen as we didn’t expect the flood would be so high. I was afraid that the rising water would eventually drown all these items. But I still had some time to get some help with moving these belongings.



This was the first time I was grounded by unexpected fierce flooding. There was nothing one could do but wait patiently for the flood to subside. The heavy rain in the night didn’t help with lowering the water level. But the rising water and strong current did wash away all the earthworms and scorpions. The water supply had been cut off until the flood level became lowered. So I had to wade the flood water into the back of the house trying to turn off the tap water lever.



The water was too opaque for me to see the position of the tap water lever under twelve inches of flood. So I had to search for the water pipes and levers with my hand under brownish water. I could locate the right lever in two minutes. But I had to go through cold flowing water about the height of my waist to reach the backup water tank. This area was usually covered by tall grasses and weeds. So, it was very difficult and confusing trying to locate the small red tap under the sheet of brownish water.



There were black scorpions, big and small, perching on the cement rainwater tanks nearby. I had to try to avoid touching the cement tanks lest I would disturb these black scorpions. I took me more than ten minutes and three tries before I almost gave up. I couldn’t see the water pipes under the water, and my hand would be grabbing plants and other things in the water. I tried a few times to calm down, it’s getting dark very fast and the water was getting higher and colder by the minute. I felt a chill and realised how good swimmer could get clamped in cold water.



I tried to recall the positions of the water pipes and all the three levers. I gave up once and walked towards the house. But I told myself to make my last effort. I was afraid of catching a snake in my hand! This time I decided to follow all the water pipes with my hand, one by one. The last pipe took me to the correct lever for turning on the backup water. It was such a relief to have running water in the house once again. I was totally soaked in cold flood water for about twenty minutes. I had to stand on the stairway for a while to let the water dripped from my clothes. It was so nice to have warm shower after the ordeal.



The following day the flood water has risen again. I was feeling rather helpless as I was caught being imprudence and reckless. I thought this time the flood level would be at the same level as the last time, only the garden was flooded. Fortunately, my gardener turned up with her friend to check on how I was doing. My gardener was concerned about my safety being alone with two cats. They saw rapid rising water overnight so they came to move those remaining gadgets and the fridge to higher ground. I was very thankful for her consideration and concern about my safety. I was the only one staying in the house on the whole area. My house was still accessible from the back garden where people could climb over the fence onto the higher ground. The owners of the land at the back of the house had filled the land with extra mountain soil up to one meter. So, if worse came to worse, I could go up to the main road via this route.



These two hard working people started to move the electric brush cutters, bicycles and other gardening equipments up to the veranda on the second floor. Then they tackled the small fridge which was rather awkward to handle though it wasn’t that heavy. I took some photos and gathered smaller items like pot plants and buckets. They worked very fast as they were afraid of speedy rising floodwater. We had to let some bags of fertilisers got drown in flood as they were too heavy to be handled in this situation. Some bags of cement were also gone bad in the flood. The water pump was definitely drown despite the sand bags, the flood level was higher than the pile of sand bag!



We decided not to dwell on the losses and damages during the flood. My gardener was very concerned about the fruit trees. I later told her that I had two friends who would supply us with new saplings after the flood had gone. I suggested that she should set up fish trap in the garden. I saw some fish jumping about and several white migrating birds have arrived from Russia and China. They were fishing in the garden everyday. But I could no longer see our fish pond as the floodwater covered the whole pond. I was afraid all the tiny fish had all escaped or eaten by bigger fish. The whole fish pond had to be cleaned as muddy water would leave tons of mud behind.



I had to organise a makeshift toilet for my cats. Luckily the builder left a bag of sand which was rescued from the flood and my gardener found me a plastic basin. As soon as I introduced the sandy basin to my orange cats, the big cat jumped at it straightaway. Joan was very happy to see this sandy toilet. I ordered a proper plastic cat toilet and artificial sand for the cats. Kwan was glad to see the new toilet with organic sand, she went to test it out immediately.



My gardener did follow my suggestion and set out a fishing net in the garden. The following day, she found almost ten fish in the net. The flood level stayed very high for two days. The water started to come down six inches during the fifth and sixth days of flooding. When the water receded to the garden on the sixth day, my gardener and her friend would come back to start cleaning the floor. The flood brought incredible amount of sticky mud, this was the result of rainwater washing away the topsoil on the mountains in Laos and China. Some satellite photos showed mountainous areas without and trees in China and Laos. The problems of deforestation and corruptions continued to harm nature and people’s livelihoods downstream.



I was very grateful to be well looked after by friendly people around me and some villagers. I would never been able to imagine that I would be in very difficult situation and people would come to help me without having to request for their help. I wished I could have been able to shower them with huge monetary rewards. One day when the time was right and things were in the right places, I should be able to return their kindness.



My gardener told me all the fish had finally gone from the fish pond. We would have to get it cleaned up after the flood had disappeared. She would get some fish from her brother’s pond later on. I had given fish to various people on the past, so it would be nice to have some grandchildren fish in our fish pond. The prospect of a big cleaning after the flood was hanging in the air. I guessed we just had to take it day by day at a time. I have learned to be calm and thoughtful in times of sudden stress. Hopefully, I would have the stamina and presence of mind for dealing with more challenging situations in the future.



Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.


Ooh... Your flood situation looks so unreal. We have spring floods in some parts of Finland because of the melting snow and ice, but even those have gotten smaller, or haven't been reported so often. Maybe the winters have been so much warmer lately. Anyway I hope you and the cats continue being alright albeit all the flooding. Btw. You mentioned a dam in Laos... did it break down, or did they just release the water?

I hope this isn't a silly question... When Leo and I visited Bangkok, how did you manage to come there every morning to meet us from 500 km away? I just realized we never really asked you where about in Thailand you were from.

I've been gradually trying to make a slight comeback to Hive, but it's been really slow. I have been completely consumed with the Python scripts I've been writing for the last few weeks. It's been fun, though.

Leo's doing fine if you've been wondering. He's currently preparing for his matriculation exams in high school.

Although... We did have quite a scare with his health some weeks ago, when he eventually lost all hearing in his left ear. It started with a hum in his ears and loss of feeling in the left ear one night. Next day he lost his balance and I took him to the ER. They ordered corticosteroids to help with the possible swelling so that the blood could flow into the inner ear, but the damage had already been done. Doctor said we shouldn't hold up any hopes of his hearing ever coming back. It took a couple of days, but apparently the brain adjusts to use only one ear as a balance device, and now he can walk again normally.

I don't think I'm going to blog about his situation though. If he wishes, he can do it himself.

Ninnu's blog has been a bit quiet lately, but I have some photos, and am hoping to put something there in the near future.

Be well. We all hope the flood subsides and you will manage to save your garden and fishes too!


Good to know that you’re keeping busy and working on programming. I wish I had the aptitude and patience for programming.

I have a small apartment in the city. It’s a gradual process trying to have a small house in the countryside for my retirement. It’s good to have a garden and live a quiet, simple life close to nature.

The dam in Loas did release extra amount of water downstream to prevent the dam from breaking. The water management was a complete failure.

Luckily, the rain has eased off in the north and the dam has reduced the amount of water released to the normal level. They did release more than double the level of water in one week!

I’m afraid that Leo’s condition was due to the adverse effect of the Covid vaccine. Almost two years ago, one of my friends had ringings on her right ear, it’s tinnitus.

The noises were quite bad and she lost her hearing completely in that ear. After a few months, there’s new ringing sound inside her skull in sort of a circular pattern. Then her left ear’s hearing began to get worse. She went to see several doctors. But she didn’t tell me what those doctors did for the problem.

I think that people , who had more than two covid shots, should detox the spike proteins and heavy metals, etc. as soon as possible. People are dropping like leaves here this year.

I'm pleased you have good people to help you. It's times like this that people pull together. Stay safe.

Thanks so much. Yup, I was very grateful for these kind villagers who came to help me without my asking for help!

Wow, now it's even worse! I hope that the water subsides soon

Yup! I was quite shocked in the morning to see string rushing currents around the house. I felt as if the water spirit had been a bit unkind to me! But things could have been much worse. The water came up very high for two days before it began to stabilise.

Greetings @kaminchan ,

You were very brave....yes...staying calm is best.

You are in my thoughts.....happy to hear you have help.

This will be a marathon...stay the course..we are all rooting for you,

Kind Regards,


Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement. I was very lucky to have nice friends in the village. I was glad to be safe with my two cats!

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Thank you very much for the updates. Still a lot of work ahead.

250k upvotes will be a major milestone. Looking forward to you reaching your new target 😅

What a mess. But Think of it as an adventure .. I was proud of you not giving up turning on the back up water, and was thinking about snakes before you mention it.

Looks like man made weather partly to blame ?

You’re right, it’s a good adventure and test for my mind! Emotions were tormenting me for a short while, not knowing what to do.
I guess the land spirit was trying to calm me down and encouraged me to try again.

This flooding disaster in several provinces were partly man made. I noticed heavy Chemtrails several days in a row the week before the rainstorm.

Yesterday people took photos of strange thick clouds covering the whole sky. There would be flash floods in those few provinces soon!

This is the one time people regret having waterfront property. High land is the place to be today.. Guess you never lost electric?

Luckily, the electricians didn’t cut out electrical supply. The other house at the other end of the road got theirs cut off. The flood almost reached the junction box.

This flood was mostly caused by the big dam in Laos releasing double the volume of water for one week! They hoarded too much water in summer months so the level of water in the dam became quite high. The dam was overflowing with monsoon rainwater. So, they had to prevent the dam from breaking under tremendous pressure! Greed for water caused lots of damages and hardships to people on both sides of the river. I hoped they learned their lessons and wouldn’t hoard too much water for their own usage again! The river level increased by three meters in one day after the dam’s opening all the gates.

Man self inflicting pain and suffering on himself. Sounds like an old age problem we have. Like our Governments protecting it's people from themselves but instead hurting the people more than if they just let them alone.

Yup! Very true and sad. We think that government is useless and mostly harmful. In the past, we had a coup and there’s no government for a few months. Trading flourished and people were well off. There’s no corruption! No police asking for tea money. But the drug traffickers would only be too happy!
Mind you, most drug businesses had big politicians backing them!

Government is a double edge sword! So, it’s better to have a small government!

Amen to small gov't

That's quite the deluge. I hope you're all safe. It looks like it's going to be a mess to clean up. Good luck!

Thank you very much. The severe flooding was unexpected. We never had such high level of water and very strong currents before.

Oh dear what a mess. Your determination wading in water to get the water turned on was so brave. I'm happy to know you have got help from caring individuals. I really hope this comes to an end soon. What a hard and emotional time for you. Keep staying strong as there is an end to everything and than things will be better. A huge hug to you.


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Thank you very much for your kind encouragement and understanding. I knew this was a testing time so I had to try to be mindful and calm. It’s good to have lovely cats to keep me grounded and practical.
I was glad that I didn’t encounter any poisonous animals while I was wading through the floodwater. The water was surprisingly very cold! Things would change as the water traveled down the river later on. We just had to sit tight and wait.

I was very close to being in this situation a few years back. As the levee near my house was almost compromised. Crews worked days near that levee reinforcing it. A lot caused by damns holding too much water upstream. A very nerve wracking time and unfortunately you can do nothing but wait it out.

Oh! That must have been quite stressful waiting to see what would happen next! Luckily, they had find a good job of preventing the levee from breaking.

I kept checking the level on water on the staircase very often. I could see when it climbed the first step, then the second step and third step. Then it became still on the third step for a day. Slowly it went down a few inches on a day. I knew the flood water had traveled down south. People in the south would have to prepare for the impending flood.
We had to wait for two more days to see if we could walk in the ground floor again.

Thanks so much for your moral support!

That particular year of the flood many North and South of us weren't so lucky with it. A few of the levee did fail. It usually meant water levels went down in our area if a north levee failed. They even had the National Guard on 24 hour watch for several weeks. The only bad thing with there presence is we couldn't check out what was happening on it because the public were not allowed on it. Probably a good thing if it would have failed being on or near it would be a likely death.


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@gamer00(1/15) tipped @kaminchan

Thank you for the tips!