Living in the countryside far away from big cities and crowds has been very beneficial for my health and mind. The big trees with all the thick green leaves were great for soothing tired eyes and cleanse my busy brain. I would be reminded to pause my engagement on social media and stop being too mesmerized by digital world of reality. I needed to keep a balance in my daily life and to live in the present moment.
So, it was a nice surprise to have a family of cows dropping by in front of my house. I was watering the plants when I first saw a cow walking towards the gate. I went to meet this cow to ask him what he’s doing in this area. There were several cows along the dirt road. A villager has taken his cows to forage the weeded areas along the dirt road. These cows seemed very friendly and curious about other people. They weren’t afraid of strangers at all.
The dry season meant that the fields became very dry and all the grasses went brown. The villager had to find alternative sources of food for his herd of cows. These cows did a very good job at getting rid of weeds along the road. I was quite tempted to invite a small cow into out garden to get rid of some stubborn weeds. But my gardener told me that these cows would eat all the small plants and fruit trees. I wished we could have tied a small cow in an area then move him to the other corner to eat all the weeds in all the corners.
I thought some of these cows were very smart or somewhat psychic. They could read ny mind. I told them telepathically that I would like to meet the whole family including the little one. To my surprise, older cows started to walk towards me and other cows started to come closer. I told them I would like to take close up photos of the whole clan. They kindly obliged and came up very close to the gate. I could take several close up photos.
This kind of reality is very different to busy and noisy traffic on roads in the big city. I would have to make a big effort to make exceptional progress with the packing up of my belongings. The packing was supposed to be finished two years ago! But things just kept happened to obstruct the winding down process. It was as if something or someone didn’t want me to leave my old comfort zone. But time is running shorter and shorter, I could feel the urgency. Perhaps there were some okd karma which I had to give mu paybsck before I was allowed to start a new leaf.
I envy those simple cows with simple concern about finding grass and edible weeds. Being a human being, one has several big bundles of emtional complexes which cried out to br resolved before I could be let free on my way. So, I found myself trying to connect with old relatives so that I would have my last chance od seeing them face to face. I had very good memories so past episodes kept coming back to haunt me. I needed to resolve these emotional conflicts and misunderstandings as much as possible before I could leave this reality with peaceful mind.
Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.
Stay strong and cheerful.