Shame. You are a promiscuous actor in the contracted space of consciousness, awareness, and splendor. When you put on the embarrassment coat to confuse those around you, only guilt joins your realm without being scandalized by your prudency and ill repute.
You blush as if you have a skeleton in the cupboard and accept ridicule despite your willingness to straighten the records.
What can we learn from your meticulous efforts to go through life with respect and honor?
Dive into your inner fabric to discover why you’re here. Do what makes your heart sing to dismantle self-reproach, remorse, and feeling like a grumpy pundit. Pick your values and principles carefully and allow your spirit to grow, evolve, and transform without regrets and unfulfilled fantasies.
Free yourself from my low vibrational frequency and stop sluggish thinking dragging you into apathy.
You didn’t come here to play weak, beautiful soul.