Wiz Drip 48. You Are Your Own Anti-Aging Star

in #hive-15032910 days ago

Krisz Rokk's Wiz Drip 48 - Recalibration

Recalibration. Your ingenious path reinstates our default math, allowing us to recover and rejuvenate to fight the next combat. You stabilize the electromagnetic waves that bombard our hearts from Mother Earth and the stars, committed to stopping us from frying our nervous system, and stay centered, and calm.

In the game of duality, we associate thy frequency with the dark side, even though you are unapologetically kind and mild. Without your armor, the human species would struggle to thrive, yet we label you and disregard your gracious vibe.

How can you help us swiftly alter our code without causing a glitch in the system and suffering a breakdown?

You have a powerful biological computer with a unique code, making you an amazing piece of art. Know that you’re the driver and have control over your avatar.

Shock it once, and it will give you the illusion of a meltdown. Do it consistently, and no virus, chip, or synthetic bazaar will be able to derail your trail and shut you down.

You are your own anti-aging star, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎