Recent High Temperatures In Europe Found to Be a Hoax

in #hive-150329last year

We are living in a time when we are coming out of the coolest time in the Holocene just a couple of centuries ago. The expectation that we should see global warming no matter what goes into the atmosphere seems totally reasonable. However, the environment has not been fully cooperative with those would like us to be convinced we created a 'crisis'.

Here with all of the carbon dioxide we have put into the air since the 1930s, the heatwaves have gone down. The 1930s is clearly the point of the largest value of this heat wave index in the last century.

I have to confess something. While I was a child and through my young adulthood, I really thought that we were causing global warming with our carbon-dioxide production. We should be willing to divorce our egos from belief systems. With new evidence and the falsification of fake evidence one should be willing to revise previous beliefs without shame or augst.


Posted with proof of brain