The Ickonic Streaming Service

in #hive-150329last year

I got a bit tired of the way Netflix protagonist characters disappoint me. It's not that I don't like flawed characters. It is just that they don't actually improve themselves. The men have a tendency to harm their own families. This is what the men in the series seems to be a theme in more than one of the series. I cannot have any empathy for a character that would allow his mother to be killed in order to help a coworker. In another series the woman kicks her man out of the house. Awful shit.

Ickonic seems to be a non-fiction only video platform. Instead of series of fiction, these are documentaries. Although some of you may not agree with what is being presented, the aim appears to be less to entertain and more edify.

Please don't get the impression that the videos have a common world view or that it is all about David Icke's lizard people theory. There are documentaries on Bitcoin, Vaccination, the sci-fi story teller Andrew Bisagio, electro-magnetic radiation,

The series are not just talking about the silliness of the MSM. Although there is some of that with the Jayme Icke. His program actually left me laughing as I tried to fall asleep last night. Perhaps I should avoid watching his program late at night when I have an early schedule of work the next day. I woke up this morning at a embarrassingly late hour to write this and finish a previous article and dug into another series. I don't really watch the American MSM. I am the guy that asks "Dwayne who?"

The Paleo Way series is not a series of explaining how humans evolved in an environment of free-range hunted and organic food environment but instead focuses more recipes that you can use in your own day to day life. Assuming you have access to coconut oil and alike. Fortunately, the people on these documentaries don't waste airtime trying to convince you to go Paleo. They understand that you are watching it because you have already decided to go Paleo.

While they cook meals on screen, the mouth watering images inspire one to try to prepare similar meals.

A couple of programs, Behind the Lens and Maps to Quantum Sovereignty with Sarita have gone to the point of extreme woo. Here the after life is a given. If you are something other than agnostic or atheist, you are necessarily one who does believe there is a after-life and there is a soul. This implies a spirit being something other than just a program running in the brain. However when they use terms like "fifth dimension", we are not all going to accept this new dogma which sounds like some new age religion. I don't buy into the mysticism portrayed in some of these documentaries.

On the other hand, that is not even a large part of the types of series available. There is a program on the fiat financial system.. As Hive users you are interested in money. Come on, don't tell me you are interested in Hive because of the technology. Future Templates discusses radically novel villiage planning. Most people wont put such ideas into practice but it does add fun. Some of the banned films you may recognize from the screen shots but most you will not. Among the programs there are two programs about Bitcoin. In order to get a good understanding of why Bitcoin is better than dollars, you first have to understand how bad dollars are. The Bitcoin film doesn't neglect this part.

An expert in mathematical climate modeling Paul Burgess stars in this series. This person did things that predicted rain patterns in the late 1970s based on the mathematical models. He also explains detail on what really does influence the climate apart from making it clear that AGW is a hoax. Most of us should already suspect that to be a case by now.

There are quite a few topics to watch involving documentaries that I believe would have saved thousands of lives of those who had not watched them. Among these documentaries there are Vaxxed, Killed By The State, An Invisible Threat, and The Guardians.

Perhaps I'll keep my subscription to

Posted with proof of brain