Are men polygamous by nature?

in #hive-1503293 years ago


I was reading a book by Napoleon Hill and I came across the place where he said women from experience have learned that men are polygamous by nature and that made me ask myself the question. Are men really polygamous by nature?

I’ve always tried to understand why some men find it hard to stick to a single partner but learning that it might be in man’s nature was just something I wasn’t expecting.

Let me try to give a little look into the polygamous nature of man. Let it be noted that I’m no expert in a field like this I’m just a dude who came across something interesting and is hoping to get more insight from the community.

So, polygamy is some sort of relationship which involves an individual getting married to more than one partner.

However, it is important to note that this type of relationship does not only involve a man marrying more than one partner. When a woman is married to more than one man it is called polyandry.

It is believed by some social philosophers and psychologists that it is man’s nature to be polygamous and monogamy is basically against his nature.

Some of these psychologists and social philosophers believe that by nature, man cannot be content with one woman. And they attribute this to man’s view on diversity. They believe that diversity to man is an adventure.

Some people also believe that monogamy was imposed on society to bring up a structure where man does more than just hunting, conquering, and winning as many women as he can without a structure of society.

A French sociologist said that for a man to be faithful is not just difficult but impossible. He added to this by saying that one woman is born for one man but one man is born for all women and if a man is unfaithful to his wife then it is nature’s fault. To me this is rubbish.

Well, in my quest of knowing if really it is man’s nature to be polygamous I have come across some views from psychologists and social philosophers alike and I disagree with them to an extent.

I believe that polygamy isn’t man’s nature. Yes, a man won’t mind the attention and affection of several women but that doesn’t mean he would be interested in having an intimate relationship with them.

Because some men act like it is their nature to be polygamous doesn’t mean that it applies to all men.

Some men say that it is in their nature to be polygamous as an excuse to accommodate other women outside their marriage or an institution of that sort.

I believe it’s a matter of choice. As a man, you can choose to be polygamous or monogamous.

I’ll love to know your take on this. Do you think men are polygamous by nature and if yes why?

Thank you for reading 😁