I visited Poland 🇵🇱 to see my friend again after a long time, and tomorrow will be the last day of my stay. It has been about 10 years since I saw my friend, but he hasnt changed anything, and it took a seco d to bring us back to 10 years ago when we used to hamg out a lot. He seems to be working in Poland 🇵🇱 as usual, which reassured me and cheered me up to do my best as well.
Today I plan to wander around the city and have a beer 🍻 at a bar. I have so many good memories!
The photos are pieces of street artwork I came across while strolling around the city 🎨. What an exciting city #Warsaw is 🇵🇱🙂✌️
久しぶりに友達に再会するために訪れたポーランド🇵🇱ですが、明日が滞在最終日になります。 10年ぶりぐらいに再会した友人ですが、何も変わらず元気にポーランド🇵🇱で仕事をしているようで、安心したと共に自分も頑張ろーって元気をもらいました。
今日は街をぶらぶら散策して、バー🍸でビール🍻を飲む予定。 いい思い出がたくさん出来たな~。
Tired 👉 Nap
Sad 👉 Music
Stressed 👉 Walk
Angry 👉 Exercise
Burn out 👉 Read
Feeling lost 👉 Pray
Overthinking 👉 Write
Anxious 👉 Meditate
🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ ᛫ ᚾᛗᚱᚲ 🥦
🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦