We run the washing machine full, we boil water in the kettle as needed: tips on how to save on the farm.

in #hive-1503293 years ago


Prices are rising, bills are rising. As a result, almost everyone thinks about how to save a little on heat, electricity, and other utilities on a daily basis.

In addition, the traditional recommendations for choosing alternative heating and purchasing energy-efficient appliances are not appropriate for the savings to be felt in the near future, as this requires time and additional investment that will only pay off in the long run.

The tips I recommend are quite simple, practical, and although they seem very small at first, you can make a big difference in your monthly bills by applying and combining them.


Electricity in the home is used to light rooms where no one is staying! So let's turn on the lights only where we are. As spring approaches, we need to make maximum use of daylight, especially on weekends, by planning the work to be done during daylight hours.

In addition, the choice of energy-saving lamps, diodes, and motion sensors in passable rooms will help to save money. Diverse light fixtures that illuminate different functional areas in one room will also be useful so that the general lighting does not always have to be switched on.

The refrigerator consumes the most electricity because it works around the clock. Therefore, it is important to use and care for it properly. If temperature control is possible, the most economical mode in my experience is -18 ° C in the freezer and + 5 ° C in the refrigerator. One degree reduces energy consumption by about 15%! We defrost the freezer regularly. Even a small layer of ice on its walls increases electricity consumption.

It is not for nothing that small household appliances are called energy eaters. Therefore, it is useful to figure out what is really needed and what you can do without. We only fill the electric kettle as much as we actually drink, not always heating it up full.

We disconnect all unnecessary devices from the mains at night and when absent - sleep mode consumes a lot of power (most power consumers in sleep mode or left in the socket - phone charger without a phone, TV in sleep mode, tablets and laptops in sleep mode, modern technology with timers on). TV brightness also increases power consumption. To save, we reduce the brightness in a twilight room, increase it in daylight.


The easiest way to save heat is if the heating radiators are equipped with regulators. Then it is recommended to choose the right ° C every day and room because reducing the heat by even one degree saves about 5%.

The recommended temperatures in the living quarters are as follows: 16-17 ° C in the absence, 18 ° C in the bedroom, 19-21 ° C in the kitchen, and 20-22 ° C in the living room and bathroom.

In the long run, the dwelling in question must be equipped with adequate energy-efficient heating, insulation, and other energy-efficiency measures.


It is advisable to review your daily washing habits, taking into account the comparison of water consumption: bathing in the bath - 150 l, washing in the shower - 25 l. If we choose a mixer with an aerator (water cold is enriched with air, making the jet richer), we consume 5 l / min, without it - 10 l / min. We save even if we don't run the water when brushing our teeth, shave, soap our hair.

Washing dishes by hand in the sink consumes 50-60 l of water, the dishwasher - 6 l. The right detergent is important for a dishwasher - practice shows that a single detergent is more effective than two or three in one, after which the dishes often have to be washed again.

Collected rainwater can be used to water houseplants and wash the floor.

Invoice monitoring.

Waiting for big bills will do nothing, but timely reading and submission of consumption figures, as well as checking the received bills - though. Often a considerable amount of money has to be paid as a percentage due to your own negligence when you forget to pay in time the bill. A timely reminder - on the calendar, on your mobile phone, or at the door of the refrigerator - will help here.

Those who regularly keep track of their bills say that it is very common to notice incorrect calculations and unjustified overpayments. Of course, clarification takes time and nerves, but the money is recovered.

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Pictures source: pexels.com


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