
The first one is the same. That's "I", or in this case "My". You can choose from Google Translate an alternative translation, the one with the Pinyin phonetic transcription "Wǒ jiào". That's 我叫, two syllables. Note that "我" is the same in both, and is the start of what the AI wrote too. It's "Wǒ". The second Mandarin character seems kind of similar to the last one the AI created and stands for "name is", but I don't know what the one in the middle is.

Anyway, looks like there are multiple ways to say the same thing. So, I won't rule out what the AI produced as inaccurate, but don't know if it is correct either.

With all due respect, as a person who studied and speak Chinese for my entire life, the first character in the AI image is nothing like 我. These 3 characters are not Chinese characters. But it's fine if you think otherwise. :)

Ok... I accept the correction. They are different, but I thought it's a matter of styling, like we have different Roman fonts. Sorry for misjudging your competence on the subject. I thought you are like me, a novice, when you shared the Google Translate image. 😀

Would appreciate some further help in the future. I didn't have time to delve more into it since.

No worries! Hehe! 🙂