Happiness does not last eternally on this planet, but neither does sadness

in #hive-1503292 years ago

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/collage-photo-of-woman-3812743/

It is generally accepted as a fact that people all across the world face all of their emotions throughout their life. One of the most important aspects of our own personalities and entire selves that gets thrown into the minds of others as a way of remembering and thinking of us. Truly, it is the most expressive part of our entire species, for emotion has determined so much in all relationships and societies. It has left such a huge mark on the entire planet both negatively and positively since the start of humanity as a species, and will keep doing so. Even animals are said to have personalities, and very big ones too, because every creature is different from the other. For example, a Female Rooster will be very different from a male Pigeon, despite being of the same species family in a way.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One thing I have generally came to understand throughout the years, is the title of this post, that is "Happiness does not last forever", but neither do the rest of the emotions.

Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-sunbeam-illusion-or-crepuscular-rays-The-sun-shines-through-clouds-creating-regions_fig2_258857320

This is in my own personal experience, but I do believe the rest of you have found yourselves in a similar scenario emotion-wise too. Something positive reaches your ears, or you see something that happens that gives the same reaction, and you feel satisfied with yourself, like maybe receiving a birth day gift, let's say a bike...
But then, eventually you stumble upon something negative, like maybe you fall off the bike and break one of your legs, which is definitely something 99.9% of people wouldn't view as a positive development.

Source: https://www.freepik.com/premium-photo/bike-injuries-woman-cyclist-fell-off-road-bike-while-cycling-bicycle-accident_7309434.htm
When in Hospital, you start to give up after a while that anyone will ever care for you again (or at least this is how a pessimist views it). One of your family members come up to you and show how much they care by giving you something. It can be a hug, a kiss, a gift or generally just anything that will cheer you up. Regardless of what it may be, this will naturally lead up to you feeling better about yourself and a recover being inevitable.
You know now that something bad will always happen at some point in your life, but this will not be eternal. The storm cannot remain forever, it will eventually phase out when the clouds have stopped being weighed down, for the tragedy is not eternal.

Source: https://salem.massgeneralbrigham.org/patients_and_visitors/visiting_hours

What I have learned from this is that you should always think critically of your day, no matter what might happen. Are you 100% certain that everything will go down the hill or up the slope just because your mind told you so? Is it not possible it might just be emotional manipulation? You can never be too certain either of the two will happen, so try to connect with reality, and remind yourself that regardless of what will happen on this day, it will not be eternal, no matter how bad or good it is. Better days are coming, and a recovery is inevitable from what has already happened. It is indeed a rollercoaster, and emotions are the key player in it. So brighten up, for this is how your life is. I did not intend to make this sound nihilistic, but here is one last example scenario that some of you may have stumbled upon:

You just got the news that one of your parents are in hospital, and their health is declining. Knowing very well how they contributed in your life and raised you, you know that possibly never getting to see such a huge part of your entire growth of your personality will be saddening, for it is like when the seed from a sunflower grows from the original, and then the original withers. This is your last chance to show what this person meant to you in your life before it is too late. You hurry over to the hospital, you swing open the doors into the room, and there you see them, in a horrible state. For the sake of this text, it's your mother. You remember all the times she would cook the food, clean for you and help the home stay afloat and showing care at times. Of course, not every mother is like this, but even some of the worse ones have some kind of positive quality for the overwhelming majority of their children. You remember what you know, and she knows, and time is running out. Any day, this could all be over, and you make sure to truly show the greatest of care as the beeps get slower and slower on the machine, but communication is not yet in vain. You tell her how much you love her and how truly missed she will be, and to always keep her within memory. Nothing will ever be able to tear you apart forever, neither in this life or in the next.

Source: https://www.dreamstime.com/dying-woman-nurse-cancer-white-uniform-next-to-her-image113740770

Then at midnight, you get a notification from your sibling, and the news are out: Your mother died! Your emotions are overflowing with grief and wishing you could turn back time and see her again, to tell her one more time how much she belongs. You know also that it will take long, if ever to shake this off. I know someone personally who still 2 years later might carry such feelings, but from what I have learned the best way to rid yourself from such a destructive path is to remember that the parent will live on inside your memories until the day you meet the same fate, if not after that too depending on your worldview. Slowly, let it merge with you and over the course of 10 years, you will still remember that what happened was long ago, but still important to keep in mind. Keep a perfect balance between the two. It is not your duty to carry it like an eternal weight that can never be lifted, for there is still hope. You can still fight on and make the best of your life, just be aware of the risks from now on, and do not forget what the rest fought for when they were in your age!

Wow, I sure did try to make all that sound coherent and getting to the point, and I hope I did. If not, do let me know in the comments, I tried to put effort into this as good as I could. Hope you enjoyed the text!