Hive has a feature that was created with good intentions. However, in my opinion, its lost whatever utility it once had. This is the downvote feature.
Downvoting is a controversial topic on Hive. Some people favor it and some don't. It's obvious that those in favor are winning, because we all can do it.
Frankly, it's a stupid feature. I say this because it's misused more often than not. How many times have you seen a downvote, combined with intelligent, constructive feedback? Probably never. Without this feedback, it serves no purpose other than a self-indulgent outlet for power tripping users.
To make matters worse, HiveVote allows you to put someone on a downvote trail. Isn't it lovely to see your post arbitrarily downvoted by a bot?
I assume everyone would like Hive to grow. We want the price of Hive to moon so we can all get rich and retire with beach front property somewhere. Instead, we give the babies machine gun's so they can shoot the ship full of holes.
Because there's no accountability for regressive behavior, I am going to give a 100% upvote to downvoted posts whenever possible. I will also occasionally boost them with ecency points.