Tourist season!
A very busy short season when the roads are more busy. All kinds of vehicles can be seen, from recreational vehicles, cars, trucks, and motorcycles.
Construction season!
Sometimes the longest season of all, it can in some years out due the winter season. Every year they are doing something!
Look out for cones and flaggers! And most of all look out for MOOSE!
Autumn season!
A nice time for drives along the roads, fall colors are at there best around the first and second week of September in Alaska.
The roads are a lot less busy in the autumn season. People who are not staying for winter had better be on their way out.
Winter season!
Then before you know it, it's that time of year again! It's a nice long season if you like winter time. There is many winter sports to enjoy. Best is a hot tub when it's snowing! And no bugs!
They do a good job keeping the roads drive able here.
Look Out For Moose!!
Totally frozen road, solid ice! Mount Redoubt volcano in the distance.
Spring season!
When the melt down comes and things start growing again.
The end of the road or perhaps the start, depends which way you are going!
End of seasons!
There was some big fires here a few years ago. Could be some this year as the danger is at extreme right now. No rain for awhile and extremely dry. Many of the spruce trees are dead and dying. Vast cycles of destruction and renewal.
© Photos and words by @shasta
June 4th 2022 5:55 PM O'rock Alaska