The world is surrounded by so many diseases, illness has increased by 40% from the last year.
And due to this advance food which are man made resources people specially children are effected so much 🥺 and for the treatment many of them needed blood to restore thier health.
Exactly one year ago my cousin had accident and his leg was broken in upper side (Thighs) which is the most weighed part of the body.
Whatever he had gone through operation and was lying on the bed to be restored.
Unfortunately, he fell down from the bed and the leg was broken again and all that process repeated again 🤢 (operation and medicines and that cracking feelings etc).
But after the second operation he did not restore due blood leaking in the inner part of the broken leg.
So what, Doctor said you have to go through third operation and it will be long enough that may it takes 3 to 4 hours to bind all these things.
Yesterday, he was having operation and doctor advised to arrange the blood for him, because we have to inject blood to the patient while operating.
As I am the head of my district organization where we find blood for the needed but it was good that i have the blood as the patient was, we were having same blood groups.
So i went there, to hospital and when the the doctor ordered to get the blood from recipient, i donated the blood.
As it is social serving and we call it like it is a gratefulness to give blood, as after donating the new blood start to make.
The picture above means, serving people is worship ❤️🥺
That's all.