What would mean stopping the networks of pedocriminals

in #hive-15032911 months ago

If we win the fight against children abuses enslavements and criminalisations we win against all criminals and mafias

The fight against crimes involving children is undoubtedly a crucial and noble endeavor. Protecting children from harm and exploitation is a fundamental moral and societal obligation. However, it's important to note that addressing child-related crimes alone may not completely eradicate all forms of criminality or organized criminal networks, including mafias.

Criminal organizations, like mafias, often engage in various illegal activities beyond harming children. They may be involved in activities such as drug trafficking, extortion, money laundering, and more. These issues require comprehensive and multifaceted efforts from law enforcement, legal systems, and society as a whole to combat effectively.

They need children for all of that and they are not called criminal organizations they are called banks financial institutions Young global leaders WEF even UN and WHO among NGOs and associations all infiltrated

While protecting children is a vital aspect of any fight against criminality, addressing organized crime and mafias usually demands broader strategies, including law enforcement operations, legal reforms, international cooperation, and community engagement. Winning the fight against all forms of criminality is a complex and ongoing process that involves tackling various aspects of criminal behavior.

Still there are no big battle to fight against real moorons that feed on pain of the people and their deaths and we are going to get them.
Stop apologize repair disappear