Bootstrapping Resources

in #hive-15032911 days ago

Most of us have internalized the myth that we need an ideal setup, perfect conditions, or substantial resources to begin anything meaningful.

I think it comes from the presumption that success follows a linear path or that the starting line must match the finish line we envision.

When we want to start something new, don't we scroll through carefully curated posts of the things we want to achieve(e.g exquisite home offices, fully equipped studios, masterfully executed projects etc), trying to convince ourselves that success requires a pristine starting point?

What's true however, is that a pristine starting point is more like having a headstart but it necessarily doesn't guarantee growth or success in that endeavor.

Bootstrapping is arguably the superior way to start, in terms of building resilience and creative problem-solving, and isn't just a way to start with less.

Now, bootstrapped resources as a concept, represents a basic level shift in how we approach resource allocation and project initiation.

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It's A Tradition

I'm not so sure about the logic, but traditional wisdom often emphasizes the importance of securing substantial resources before beginning any venture.

Maybe, it's part of our inherent risk aversion, which makes it natural to overestimate what we need and underestimate what we have.

Of course, there are cases where traditional wisdom is absolutely valid, particularly in highly regulated industries or sectors where safety is very important.

For example, you wouldn't want a surgeon bootstrapping medical equipment. There's zero tolerance for that because the stakes are literally life and death. How about a commercial airline bootstrapping piecing together aircraft parts?

So, the art of bootstrapping is mainly favorable for exploring uncharted territory, where leveraging minimal existing assets can be transformative.

The transformative aspect is basically pushing us to innovate within constraints or viewing limitations as catalysts for discovering unconventional solutions and building rather original foundations.

The Inventory Mindset

In terms of resource allocation, a re-definition of the word itself may be needed. Obvious resources that we can all agree upon are money, equipment, and perhaps, formal qualifications.

How about time, knowledge, and social capital?

Time seems to be the foundation upon which all other resources are built that we don't acknowledge it as a resource.

Knowledge, regardless of how it was acquired, can be transformed into leverage and multiply our capacity for growth and innovation.

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For example, knowledge multiplied by money will create exponential rather than linear growth.

But without money, knowledge itself can be traded for other valuable resources or just generate opportunities through creative application, and then multiply the latter with consistent action and persistence.

Against The Tide Of Abundance

What I'm trying to get at is that being resourceful is a lost art form that can change how we view scarcity.

Although it's counterintuitive at first, I'll rather just go empty handed, rack my brain up, get frustrated with my perceived lack of resources, take some rest to readjust my thinking of the situation and then get into the flow of working with what's available

In many ways, building structure requires having limitations. And wherever I observe a lack of structure in creative endeavors or my own workflow, I first look for artificial constraints to impose.

Because in my view, working within self-imposed boundaries is also a fun way to test our capacity for unconventional thinking and arrive at solutions that wouldn't have emerged in conditions of abundance.

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.


I think to some extent, we need more to achieve more, but we can start small, gain experience and still actually expand later.

Yes, especially when it comes to scaling up. Usually that's where trying to bootstrap never works, because one needs more than enough resources to jump from one level to another. Starting from scratch however, can get used to bootstrapping approach, it's less riskier also, in certain cases.

Thanks for stopping by :)