Today I want to look in hindsight at what just happened in the crypto markets. The crypto currencies are proving to be difficult to read with tarot, but in this case, we already know the result.
I am hoping to use this method to deeper understand how the tarot shows these energies.
"What just happened in the crypto markets?"
Let's see what the cards have to say...
The 3 of Swords beneath The World, we now know, shows bad news for holders of crypto currencies.
The Knight of Cups leading up to The World is a little harder to decipher. When coupled with the 9 of Swords, it would seem to show someone guided by fear. The fact that the Knight is a cups card also shows that they are guided by emotions. This makes sense in the case of people investing or pulling out in mass.
As I try to look and see what comes next, we get 2 more Major Arcana cards in Strength and The Emperor.
Together, these seem to show a struggle(or test of strength) against a controller.
This might make sense in relation to the tech, as well as market manipulators. I don't know tech, so that's a guess.
Ultimately we get a Hanged Man for what is coming up. As another Major Arcana card, this seems to show a major event as well, showing a freeze, or a lack of movement. It might literally be showing bindings, which is probably not a good sign. It would not surprise me to see more laws to restrict crypto currencies in some way come out of this.
Time will tell on these, so we can look back and see what the cards were really showing. If we crack the code, we can all avoid another Terra Luna situation.