Photo by geralt on Pixabay
Life can be a funny journey. You are high up there at some point, enjoying the blessings and goodies it affords you and then all of a sudden, at a blink, there is this twist in the story of the journey- happening so fast, one is abased, wounded and drowned in the pains of defeat coming from ill-luck.
Drained of energy and sense of purpose and direction, we could find ourselves wallowing in self hatred or self pity. At this point, people start telling you not to give up but hope for a better tomorrow or future. Hope! - yeah, 'that feeling of expectation and the desire for a particular thing to happen.'
Finding oneself again at the starting point where one had set off once can be so frustrating. No matter how super human we could be, there's always the emotional side that would almost give in to depression, self disdain, low self-esteem, inferiority complex negative thoughts and emotions. Then there's that perfect timing when the message of hope comes from a close friend, family, colleagues or religious leaders.
My mental process for this post was to actually try to shift our view from the idea that hope is all we need to move on. Hope would create a state of the mind that gives this "false belief" that something big is coming our way. Maybe it's not a false belief actually but most times leave us fixed to a narrow choice or desire and basically a confinement to only a choice.
Of a truth, hope is actually this energy we need most times to move forward in life during our trying moments and weary days. Despite the consolation it gives, it could be toxic to us when unchecked. Yeah! Hope becomes harmful at the point we don't see other choices or options towards our expectations. It entraps one in the box of trust, and when this expectation doesn't fall through...Then one gets shattered again.
To avoid the reality of the illusion, hope needs to be seen with the understanding that we would be fine if this does work out, even if we didn't get the contract closed, all is still well. That there are other options and directions to reaching the goal. And maybe, true hope is losing hope.
Thanks for reading.