Taking a break doesn't mean you have given up No, this gives you time to reflect on things and you next action. It helps you uncover where you might be having mixups, slags and where you are getting something's wrong.
- There is a difference between giving up and taking a break, although most people just take the breaks for taking sake not because they actually plan to reflect on there past hard works and make amends. Most people go from taking a break to quitting or giving up.
is a point when you have lost all hope and faith on something, maybe your work, hustle and life in general and you decide to stop pushing forward with that particular career or hustle.
I have seen a lot of people give up on there dreams because they try and try till the point nothing is moving for them anymore, i don't blame them for giving up most times because i have been there alot of times. I am always at this point in my life where i am broke and nothing is moving for me, honestly most times i think i am not gonna but make it in this life. I am not saying i have made it,lol but trust me i do break down to the point of thinking suicide. But i mostly reflect on people depending on me, a lover , my family depending on me. Each time i reflect on this i decide to give myself another chance towards making ends meet.
For most people you need to have a drive that's what i have come to realize in this life, if something is not propelling you to keep doing and never stay down , definitely the person will give up.
Like i said above, when you have someone or something that motivates you. When it gets tougher you only take a break and continue trying harder next time. I have a driving force and when the difficult times come around, i rather take a break of few days off and remind myself of who i am and why i should always keep doing it.
- Always have an inspiration.
- Set up your goals and make sure you remind yourself of where you need to be no matter what.
- When you go hard and it seems nothing is working just take a step back, relax and try again later.
- Know why you do what you do.
- Always remember that you are never alone.
The last one kinda hits me right, I do breakdown alot and it feels i am the only one in that deep dark hole, like nobody else knows what i am going through, like my whole world is about to end.
It's not always so, believe there are people and there would always be people going through worst shit than you are.
If everyone should bring there problems and put them on a table you would rush to pick yours back trust me.
So let learn to take a break rather than giving up.
Thank you and happy weekend ❤️❤️