POBphotocontest/ New Round: NATURE

in #hive-1503296 months ago

Danas imam priliku da vam pokažem moje najlepše fotografije prirode. U pitanju je kompilacija prirode iz nekih mojih šetnji. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti jer promovisanje prirode na razne načine je uvek poželjno. O svakoj fotografiji ću reći gde je nastala. Ovo je ujedno post sa kojim ulazim na takmičenje.

Today I have the opportunity to show you my most beautiful nature photos. It is a compilation of nature from some of my walks. I hope you will like it because promoting nature in various ways is always desirable. For each photo I will say where it was taken. This is also the post with which I am entering the competition.

Prva i najlepša fotografija je slika koja je po mom mišljenju kompletna. Na njoj je porodica gusaka, vinogradi, brdo i kula na vrhu brda koja je simbol mog grada. Nastala je jednog ranog prolećnog jutra.

The first and most beautiful photo is the picture that I think is complete. It has a family of geese, vineyards, a hill and a tower on top of the hill which is the symbol of my town. It was created one early spring morning.


My entry to #pobphotocontest organized by @friendlymoose

Na drugoj fotografiji je predivan ljubičast cvet koji krasi vršačka brda. Cvet je u prvom planu dok je pozadina automatski zamućena pa tako njegova lepota dolazi do izražaja još više.

The second photo shows a beautiful purple flower that adorns the hills of Vršac. The flower is in the foreground while the background is automatically blurred, so its beauty comes out even more.


Sledeće dve fotografije prikazuju zalazak sunca. Svaka na drugačiji način. Oblaci su fantastični, a na drugoj je sunce glavni akter.

The next two photos show the sunset. Each in a different way. The clouds are fantastic, and on the second the sun is the main actor.



Na sledećoj fotografiji je prikazano predveče sa drvećem koje se ogleda u vodi.

The next photo shows the early evening with the trees reflected in the water.


Ne postoji čovek koji ne voli labudove zato je naredna slika nastala na jezeru jednog zimskog dana.

There isn't a person who doesn't like swans, that's why the following picture was taken on a lake on a winter day.


A sada dve meditativne fotografije. Prosto vas pozivaju da se udobno smestiti i ne razmišljate ni o čemu, sMo slušate zvuke prirode.

And now two meditative photos. They simply invite you to get comfortable and not think about anything, just listen to the sounds of nature.



Bela Crkva je grad udaljen 32 kilometra od mog grada i poseduje kompleks poznatih jezera na kojima volim da provedem većinu leta.
Na narednoj fotografiji je povratak kući sa jednog od jezera. Pogledajte predivan odraz sunca. . .

Bela Crkva is a town 32 kilometers from my town and has a complex of famous lakes where I like to spend most of the summer.
The next photo shows the return home from one of the lakes. Look at the beautiful reflection of the sun. . .


I na poslednjoj fotografiji je jedan sportski stadion okružen divnim plavim nebom po kome plove beli oblaci.

And in the last photo, there is a sports stadium surrounded by a wonderful blue sky with white clouds floating on it.


Nadam se da sam vam dočarala prirodu kroz moje umetničko oko.
Hvala na poseti i prijatno veče vam želim. 🌷🌱☀️

I hope I have depicted nature for you through my artistic eye.
Thank you for visiting and I wish you a pleasant evening. 🌷🌱☀️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka Vragolana



@vragolana! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ tuisada. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.