Poisonous Mushrooms You Should Be Mindful Of!!!!!!.

in #hive-1503293 months ago

Agaricus bisporus, a name for the popular breed of fungi commonly known as mushroom (White Button mushroom). Mushroom is a household name world wide. No doubt about that. I am yet to see it being grown purposely for its use. What I know is that this type of fungi grows by itself under certain weather conditions and around a specific geographical location.

Mushrooms with an intriguing popular umbrella shape have been in existence from the beginning of the world. It comes with a very palatable taste when cooked in any delicacy. I have personally had a feel of it in soup and trust me I really loved it and will recommend to anyone who wishes to give it a try.

This particular breed of fungi plays a very important role in the lives of most homes and probably most restaurants that make use of it in their meals. Rich in numerous nutrients of which we may delve into later or in my subsequent blog. I believe you have a story to share on this particular piece of nature. For this article, we will be delving into something I think is of great concern especially to those of us who may be consuming this type of fungi.

Mushrooms come in different shapes, colours, weight, texture and so on. Likewise, does it not only come in good but may harbor some deadly secrets which could pose lots of danger to the consumer. Coming across one in my vicinity triggered this intention and made me do this research and per the outcomes, there are deadly or poisonous mushrooms.

This brings us to the world of poisonous mushrooms; Just a few of them were made mention of here but I believe there are a lot more we could talk of. Take your time and go through these particular ones, try and avoid them if possible and do more research to find out which ones could be a potential addition to this category of bad nuts.

1. Death cap
As the name implies, this happens to be the deadest among the breed of organism. This mushroom has the potency to cause severe abdominal pains, bloody diarrhea, vomiting which could result in death or possible coma state of being. The amatoxins have the ability to withstand cooking temperatures. This means there could be a potential rapid damage to the cells within the body when consumed leading to the unforeseen body health outcomes listed above. What makes it much more deadly is the fact that it looks or resembles the Caesar and edible straw mushrooms making it a little bit difficult to spot the difference. Some prominent men died due to the intake of this spice of organism. Intake of dead cap could result in kidney damage, central nervous system breakdowns, rapid lowering of blood sugar level, damaged liver; in no time, there is a severe consequence which could lead to death as said earlier on. It's actually a 50:50 chance of survival if accidentally ingested.

2. Webcaps (Cortinarius species)
There are actually two different species of this type of fungi. They are the deadly Cortinarius orellanus and Cortinarius rubellus and these two look very much alike as well as to various edible ones. The deadly poison present in this breed of mushroom is known as the orellanin. The ingestion of this breed of mushroom may cause symptoms like common fluid. This is just the beginning of the misfortune. There could severely damage the kidney which may require transplants or dialysis if not, the next thing could be death when left untreated for about 2 to 4 weeks. This incident has also invaded a home once getting hold of the entire family. The rest is history though non died it resulted in lots of damages.

3. Conocybe filaris
Moving on to the next is the almighty conocybe filaris which looks very innocent at the first glance. It looks very attractive and very beautiful. It also comes with a deadly poison called mycotoxins similar to the one posed in the deadly cap. This is also a life-threatening organism that disguises as an angel. Filaris intake could result in gastrointestinal conditions leading to frequent misdiagnosis of poisoning and stomach flu, usually ingestion after six to twenty-four hours. Just like what we have looked at above, this mushroom has the potential to damage both the liver and the kidney and that it could reappear later on in life after treatments have been done.

4. Autumn Skullcap
Also contains the deadly toxin known as the amatoxins making it as deadly as the death cap. This makes it mush related to the death cap mushroom in all ways except maybe where it can be located. Which of course means the same health risk and some properties of causing damage. Nevertheless, they are found mostly in the Hemisphere and some parts of Australia. Galerina Marginata it botanical name, this mushroom as it contains the same properties of toxins causing the same symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, hypothermia, liver and kidney damage etc.

5. Destroying angels (Amanita Species)
Just like the name implies, destroying angels is very beautiful in color and shape and as white as an angel. It is very nice and appealing to the eyes but very dangerous when consumed. Very whitish in looks/colour yet as deadly as the rest of the army. They are also very similar in appearance to the edible ones (meadow and button mushrooms) hence extra care must be taken to spot the difference unless someone who is already used to it. Illness that comes with the consumption of this mushroom includes delirium, convulsions, diarrhea, vomiting, not forgetting the hallmark liver and kidney damage. This often leads to death and severe lifetime health complications on these vital organs.

6. Deadly dapperling
Lepiota brunneoincarnata commonly known as deadly dapperling looks a bit like the destroying angels but just that it's quite short in height as compared to the destroying angel. The deadly dapperling is also loaded with a toxin called amatoxins too. It can be found in most parts of Europe and other parts of the continents (Asia). It can also be mistaken for an edible breed if care is not taken. It looks very nice and just like the edible breeds. Consuming it accidentally could result in severe liver and kidney damages due to the presence of this harmful toxin.

7. Podostroma cornu-damae
Last but not least, the podostroma cornu-damae is a rare fungus commonly found in Asia (Japan and Korea); Unlike the white destroying angel, this mushroom is reddish in color, not too much too. It also contains a deadly toxin known as the trichothecene mycotoxins and as the rest can also cause the failure of multiple organs if consumed accidentally.

Mushrooms have similar or almost same life threatening effects when it comes to the composition of poisonous toxins. Making them all equally harmful to the same vital organs in the body. This means it is also good to know exactly what you are consuming when it comes to the issue of mushrooms. Watch what you take in; garbage in garbage out. Live healthy, live longer!


