
I wonder what was his point on vegan, personally why he is into it, what he consider he will be getting from that... but ok, I agree, that was an unnecessary discussion and unnecessary post xD
have some !BEER as a consolation 🙄

I fully disagree with you aswell, like @igormuba does.

Going vegan is helping animals by just fucking killing them in the first place / by not creating a bigger demand.

I am not asking a Lion to go Vegan oO

But since Cows, Pigs and Chicken which are the most raped and slaughted animals on the earth all eats plants to survive and grow. But you would rather feed them plants and then eat the animals?
Thats fking backwards

Animals and carnivorus plants ate and eat meat, and will eat meat. Even before humans arrived on Earth, and even after humans will disappear. No one talked about asking a lion or any other animal to go vegan.

I dont understand your arguement then.

What does this have to do with veganism?

I already wrote this in this comment. And he downvoted that comment too. But it is still a fact. If you go vegan, then you decrease the human demand for meat, but the demand for the meat by animals and by plants will be the same.

Your arguement is irrelevant when it comes to veganism.

Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals." -

Vegan and Veganism is about Humans not consuming animals. Its not about what Animals do, so your arguement doesn't make any sense.

I don't give a shit if your bird eats another animals or not.

He wrote in his post that "I am vegan and their work with helping onboard and promote veganism on HIVE is very important, for health, for the animals, for the environment, for religious reasons, for family tradition for all of that and much more!".

Originally this is what I replied to ("for the animals, for the environment"). This is where this discussion started.

But "for the animals" means what humans do to the animals. Not what Animals do to Animals x)
Also "For the animals" is also a very of saying not killing them, which helps the animals.

This part is true too. So I agree. This is where people decrease the human demand for meat. But the animal/plant demand for meat in the nature/environment stay the same. Maybe I expressed myself in a wrong way at first. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I did not meat to harass anyone. Sorry again for the inconvenience.

Animals eat meat, I don't. Why would you keep pushing this button? Why would you post and tag me? Leave animals and leave me alone.

I just/only wrote facts. And you unfollowed me, and you even downvoted my post. You and everyone else is free to go vegan. There is nothing wrong with it. But the facts are facts. Meat eating is a part of life in the nature since millions of years. Maybe people decreasing the human demand for meat by going vegan, but the demand for the meat will be the same in the nature (by animals and by plants).

This is a fact. How can anyone disagree with a fact?

What nature does or does not do has nothing to do with me being vegan.

If you mention a fact once it is a fact. If you keep repeating it to me you are harassing me. There is no reason to keep repeating the same thing to the same person.

Why would you do that? Honestly, why would you keep repeating the same thing to me, other than to harass? Because I do feel harassed. Unfollowing you was not a clue already that you were bothering me?

What nature does or does not do has nothing to do with me being vegan.

You wrote something else in your post, and originally this is what I replied for.

You wrote "I am vegan and their work with helping onboard and promote veganism on HIVE is very important, for health, for the animals, for the environment"

I do not have the intention to harass you, nor anyone else. Sorry if you feel this way. This is a misunderstanding.

Sorry for disturbing, both of you are right so why this discussion? Helping animals in veganism is a bit deeper and more against the industrial use of animals i think... So he is saving as best as he can as a human being animals what is pretty nice and cool, and i do same. You are talking from a nature law. Which is a fact and no one is complaining about that.
Also a fact and. I think what he meant is more that in this society which goes against nature, where companies, brands, industry and pharmacy is brutal violent to animals he is against it and wanna do it better?

Sorry again for disturbing, don’t wanna make more discussions. Just peace.
Both of you are totalo right with what you say.... Even if everyone means something else... 😅🙏🏼🤗💕💕💕💕💕💕Have a beautiful day.

I think what he meant is more that in this society which goes against nature, where companies, brands, industry and pharmacy is brutal violent to animals he is against it and wanna do it better?

This is a good point, and I agree with it. The industry can be cruel. But I do not understand why he unfollowed and downvoted me just because I wrote a fact and my viewpoint, which is not necessarily the same as his opinion. And why he thinks that I harass him. Sometimes there are misunderstandings. Especially when people expressing different viewpoints and opinions.

Everyone is different. But I did not mean to harass him. Having a different opinion/viewpoint does not mean harassing, nor any other offense, therefore his move (unfollowing and especially downvoting my post and some of my comments) was an absolute exaggeration and unnecessary.

He called the discussion itself unnecessary. And he judged me by writing that "that says a lot about you". I just wrote how nature works, and that he cannot change that by being a vegan. This is not harassing.

Another person called me stupid for bringing the topic of what animals are doing to each other into the discussion of being vegan, while the original post publisher emphasized that promoting veganism on the Hive blockchain is important for the animals, for the environment. And he called me stupid just because he thinks that this is irrelevant in the topic. It is not irrelevant. The post publisher even emphasized it. Regarded as "very important".

People should be free to express their own opinions, even if it is not equivalent (or even against) with the blogger's/post publisher's opinion, without having to fear from negative actions. This is (or should be) a part of the real, genuine interaction. And also a part of the freedom of speech. But certainly not harassment.

But seeing/experiencing what happened today, I am starting to understand why some people tend not to express their opinions on the Hive blockchain.

Sorry for the long comment. I tried to write this as short as possible.

Bom dia, no worries. Its his decision. Even if you would like to know why, he doesn't has to tell it.

To the point of harassment, if people dont let someone else just be, and writing on or trying to keeping the contact it can be annoying maybe? Me as a woman i got a lot of harassment.. And my dear its not so nice to get it. So maybe he does all that to have his peace again? Idk so I just think that.

Just give him his space and maybe maybe when time goes by you both will chat again.

Sending you all good vibes and hopefully you have a nice weekend. Stay save 🙏🏼💕☀️

I hope my comment cpuld explain a bit. At the end i don't know, just thinking that from my point of view.

...and you even downvoted my post.

too bad. 🙄

I accept vegetarianism and strict vegetarianism as a means of spiritual practice. Many religions and schools of philosophy had it as part of them. Those who do it under this prism have no disposition to polarize or excommunicate!

However, when the argument goes to animals, I don't know where the boundaries can be drawn.

Has any vegan wondered if everyone can follow a diet that avoids animal products? I mean the cost. Have you wondered if someone who does not live in an urban environment, where their life is characterized by extreme living conditions, can follow a vegetarian diet? Are all human societies, in all historical periods that sought to obtain animal protein, victims of marketing? Is the physical development of the Dutch and the Japanese the same?

Our survival and evolution is the main goal of every individual and every society. If friends think it's because they live in a city where their food, transportation and safety are given and easy, it's not like that for everyone and it won't always be like that! This is a rule!

The approach of vegetarianism to the protection of animals is also hypocritically wrong. Why is it so irrational to preach about animal rights, a vegan who the same time use an iphone that is made by a worker in China who works 90 hours a week in a factory that they have put nets all around to keep the workers from killing themselves. It is so irrational care about animals rights, when he does not care that his clothes and shoes will have been made by children who are paid with one or two dollar a day, in Bangladesh.

It is a set of priorities

Since you're here talking about unnecessary things in respect of your recent discussion with @igormuba, I'm going throw my opinion in and say this post was completely unnecessary also.

You posted it merely to mention that a user (him) exercised his right to unfollow another user (you) and, in my opinion you sought to call him out on it, which I feel is a little mean-spirited of you.

And also, the vegan conversation...Who gives a fuck? He's vegan, you are not, move the fuck on. No one cares. People can eat, vote or unfollow as they see fit and your persistence on proving you're right on this, or any other point, is tiresome. Go and find something else to do.

Also, I'm downvoting this post because it's rubbish and unnecessary. If you write another post about me downvoting this one, I'll downvote that one too but don't let that stop you, you can do as you please, as can others.

Go and find something else to do.

You are right. I keep blogging about my life, mostly for myself. I do not want to disturb/harass anyone. The discussion mentioned in the post is a misunderstanding. I apologize for it. Sorry to everyone I disturbed with this.

My suggestion is you learn that you don't always have to be right and seeking to do so will not endear you to others. It's ok to be wrong and to allow others to have their opinions even should they not align with yours.

This conversation you had with that chap didn't need to go that way; instead, you could have had a nice chat about your mutual thoughts and both could have moved on without the stress and had you done so you'd not have taken the downvote I gave you and that of whomever follows my downvote.

That conversation took a wrong turn, because I did not expressed my thoughts properly in English (I am Hungarian), and that is what led to the misunderstanding. Nowadays rarely, but this still happens. By the way, I am not against veganism. This is a part of the misunderstanding. But nevermind. Let us just move on.

You shared the thoughts that 100% mine... I hope every reasonable human have the same... or at least the silent 'normal' majority of the population..

Thanks made, I tried to be balanced with my response, but firm.

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