Cloudy doesn't mean it's raining, according to a saying I've heard for a long time, today's cloudy weather is not an excuse not to look for some mushrooms for tonight's post, entering the forest located around Aluawe village, one of the forests with the largest mushroom population in our area, Forest humidity is one of the factors for the growth of various types of fungi, Mycena interrupta, a fungus that I found living on dead tree trunks..
Taking pictures from various angles using a Poco x3 NFC cellphone with a macro lens. In the forest I entered there were lots of mosquitoes that were always giving injections to my skin, making me less focused in several positions. Here are some of the best photos according to my observations. Mushroom preservation must be maintained. , after taking the photo I put the mushrooms in their original place...
This is my post for the #Fungifriday community which is organized and curated by @ewkaw
Friday with mushrooms
Thank you