FungiFriday - Small mushrooms [ESP-ENG]

in #hive-1513272 years ago
Saludos amigos, esta es mi contribución a #FungiFriday organizado por @ewkaw.

Greetings friends, this is my contribution to #FungiFriday organized by @ewkaw.

Esta es mi primera participación en sus prestigiosa comunidad. Con sinceridad puedo decirles que no es sencillo encontrar hongos donde vivo, no es nada común verlos. Sin embargo, encontré algunos y sin ir muy lejos, en el jardín de mi casa.

This is my first participation in your prestigious community. With sincerity I can tell you that it is not easy to find mushrooms where I live, it is not at all common to see them. However, I found some and without going very far, in the garden of my house



La verdad es que no los hubiera visto sino fuera porque me puse a quitar el monte que había crecido y a retirar las hojitas secas. Gracias a la labores de jardinería pude distinguirlos, son bastante diminutos.

The truth is that I would not have seen them if it were not for the fact that I started to remove the bush that had grown and to remove the dry leaves. Thanks to the gardening work I was able to distinguish them, they are quite tiny


No puedo ofrecer una descripción detallada de ellos porque no se que tipo de hongos son. Algunos ya estaban algo marchitos y se pueden ver sus extremos como si estuvieran quemados. En un par de ocasiones anteriores, he visto estas especies en mi jardincillo, se lo comenté a un amigo, y este me dijo que ellos nace producto de la humedad.

I can't give a detailed description of them because I don't know what kind of mushrooms they are. Some of them were already somewhat withered and you can see their ends as if they were burned. In a couple of previous occasions, I have seen these species in my little garden, I told a friend about it, and he told me that they are born as a result of humidity









Todas las fotos son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi celular Xiaomi Redmi 9.

All photos are my own and were taken with my Xiaomi Redmi 9 cell phone

Por @hylene74

By @hylene74

¡Gracias por leer mi post!

Thanks for reading my post!