The mushroom hunt turned out to be great (¨FungiFriday¨)

in #hive-1513273 months ago
Es increíble como ha pasado la semana, nuevamente estamos en esta maravillosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  para acompañar a mi amigo @ewkaw en su genial ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   No se imaginan la alegría que me da saber que es viernes, día en que comparto con mis amigos apasionados de los hongos las especies que hallamos durante nuestra visita a la reserva

Source: Family Álbum

It's incredible how the week has passed, we are once again in this wonderful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:   to accompany my friend @ewkaw in his great ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   You can't imagine how happy it makes me to know that it is Friday, the day I share with my friends who are passionate about mushrooms the species we found during our visit to the reserve

En esta zona del mundo ha bajado mucho la temperatura, y cuando eso sucede se me abre el apetito, y la verdad que he subido un poco de peso, algo que no puede suceder porque es contraproducente para las seis ¨hernias¨¨lumbar¨ y ¨cervical¨ que tengo, por eso el ¨profesional¨medico¨ sugirió intensificar mis caminatas, por suerte tengo este hermoso predio cerca de casa donde caminar en un entorno natural agradable

Source: Family Álbum

In this area of the world the temperature has dropped a lot, and when that happens my appetite opens up, and the truth is that I have gained a little weight, something that cannot happen because it is counterproductive for the six "lumbar" and "cervical" hernias that I have, that's why the "medical professional" suggested intensifying my walks, luckily I have this beautiful place near home where I can walk in a pleasant natural environment

Si bien la reserva no está muy retirado de casa, quizás a unos diez minutos, es el lugar ideal para mis ejercitaciones, dado que entre ida y vuelta más todo el tiempo que estamos allí hacemos una caminata de más una de hora; tiempo que aprovecho para buscar hongos, y en esta ocasión dimos con un hongo llamado ¨Junghuhnia¨:  un hongo bastante común en esta zona, y como pueden ver crecen en las ¨cortezas¨ de los árboles

Source: Family Álbum

Although the reserve is not very far from home, perhaps about ten minutes away, it is the ideal place for my exercises, since between round trips and the whole time we are there we do a walk of more than an hour; I took advantage of this time to look for mushrooms, and on this occasion we found a mushroom called ¨Junghuhnia¨:  a fairly common fungus in this area, and as you can see they grow on the “barks” of the trees

Lo bueno de estas caminatas, más allá de que me ayuda estar en forma y más saludable, es que tengo el tiempo suficiente para hacer nuestra búsqueda semanal de hongos, y la verdad, esta semana resulto ser genial, ya que dimos con otra especie muy bonita conocida como ¨Trametes¨versicolor¨:   uno de esos hongos que se desarrollan en maderas, ramas o troncos de árboles, más allá de su peculiar forma, lo que más me gusta es el entramado de colores

Source: Family Álbum

The good thing about these walks, beyond the fact that it helps me stay fit and healthier, is that I have enough time to do our weekly mushroom hunt, and the truth is, this week I turned out be great, since we found another very beautiful species known as ¨Trametes¨versicolor¨:   one of those fungi that develop on wood, branches or tree trunks, beyond its peculiar shape, what I like the most is the pattern of colors

Nuestras búsquedas de hongos en el predio siempre son emocionantes, sobre todo cuando nos cruzamos con especies como las ¨Ganoderma¨:   que son uno de esos géneros de hongos que están constituidos por muchas especies, por la forma y la combinación de colores diría que esta especie pertenece a las ¨Ganoderma¨sessile¨:   Ver este tipo de hongos en el predio es lo que me motiva llevar nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ para hacer las tomas de las especies que nos regala la hermosa reserva natural que tenemos cerca de casa

Source: Family Álbum

Our mushroom searches on the property are always exciting, especially when we come across species like ¨Ganoderma¨:   which are one of those genera of fungi that are made up of many species, due to the shape and combination of colors I would say that this species belongs to the ¨Ganoderma¨sessile¨:   Seeing this type of mushrooms on the property is what motivates me to bring our camera ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ to take shots of the species that the beautiful nature reserve that we have near home gives us


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


I also saw one of the lingzhi mushrooms that you shared with us which is also very interesting.

How are you, dear friend @jasonmunapasee, this week the search for mushrooms has been great, we found these very beautiful species
Thank you very much for your kind words
have a great day

All the mushrooms you have found are beautiful, but the ¨Ganoderma¨ are what I liked the most

It's true, this type of mushroom is the most beautiful of the three.

Very" beautiful this mushroom 🥰🥰

It's true, they are beautiful mushrooms
Thank you very much dear friend @lightofhope

Tal vez te sorprenda lo que te voy a decir pero algunos parecen panqueques de dulce de leche.... esta imaginación mía jajajaja estan geniales las fotografías!! Gracias @jlufer, que tengas un hermoso día!!💗

Es verdad, hay mucho parecido en ellos.
Cada vez me gusta mas el mundo de los hongos, sobre todo cuando vamos al predio y damos con especies hermosas
Muchas gracias querida amiga @avdesing por apreciar las especies de hongos que hallamos
Que tengas un esplendido dia

Será que me dio ganas de comer panqueques jaja, gracias a vos siempre!!💗

Nice collection of different kinds of mushroom.

Thank you very much dear friend @roky for appreciating my find, you are very kind
Have a beautiful day

A very extraordinary discovery @jlufer and I think this is the dry season or spring mushroom season, and I thought only where I live this mushroom exists, it turns out it is spreading everywhere, I hope @jlufer is always healthy.

How are you, dear friend @putraspjaman, those are the things I like about this Friday challenge, that we can see the mushrooms that we have in our city in other parts of the world, and that's great
Have a beautiful night

Hello dear friend @bhattg good afternoon
Thank you very much for the great support you give me
Have a great day

The mushrooms in the grass that you shared really caught my attention, the mushrooms you found are so beautiful, my friend @jlufer

Yes, those are very striking and beautiful, as well as large in size.
Thank you very much dear friend @bananaklatbarat for appreciating the mushroom I have found
Have a great day

You're welcome my friend

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Thank you very much dear friend
have a great day

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