Wells Fargo Day

in #hive-151602last month

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Good morning y'all and welcome to today's show where I'm talking about the banking system.. Wells Fargo specifically..

So this morning I'm going to go open a bank account at Wells Fargo.. why you ask? For $200..


This is the 4th time I have done this exact same mystery shop in 4 months. The first time had a extra $325 bonus on it from Wells Fargo that I just recieved on the 3rd.. that's like $1100 I've made off Wells Fargo.. I wish all banks would offee this.. we could bankrupt the system.. Anyway.. enough of me taking intelligence.. I'm going back to smoking this joint..


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This makes me happy. I hate Wells Fargo.

Me too.. I enjoy it every time I get to fuck them

$200USD for 30 minutes work, damn, no bank in Canada does that. I agree, the President of the Royal bank of Canad makes a 7 figure annual income not including bonuses. They make too much money.

Yeah it's a pretty easy gig and I love making the bank a victim

I wish I was there so I could open ma Wells
Fargo account too
It makes sense and I’m sure that’s a way to get more customers
It’s a cool strategy

That is sweet, easy money but the painful part is thirty minutes of dealing with the rep to open the account. But a grand is pretty good money. Banks make way too much of fees and interest. It's nice that you get the monthly military pay, I can't collect a dime unit I turn 60 since mine was through the reserves for the most part. Except some lovely trips to Iraq and Afghanistan....

VA disability doesn't matter about age..

I'm still fighting with the VA to get in the system. They keep losing paperwork, it took me over a year to get some stuff out of the Army. It's all such a pain in the ass.....

The DAV can help

I've been in contact with them too. I'm trying everything at this point. I never thought the VA would be such a pain in the ass to get into their system.

Have you been to the hospital? I got enrolled for health care first then went to Comp and Pen and get my disability.. but forewarning.. it takes forever

Yes, that where I got started. It just takes so long for them to get anything done...